
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Creative 3 year old

Cute story just have to share.  Aidan is starting to use his imagination.  Love it.  I just sit, watch and smile.  Last night he was talking about how there were snakes in the bathroom.  He could only touch the carpet and jump to the clothes.  "The snakes are going to get your mommy, you have to JUMP JUMP JUMP". 

Before he went to bed (I was a little worried because usually he isn't this "creative" which made me touch his head and make sure he wasn't burning up) but he was telling me that there was a big Jersey cat (my cat is named Jersey) downstairs with big eyes, big mouth and fat that goes BBBBBBRRRRMeow.  Seriously..the kid thinks there is this cat that lives downstairs and is fat and go BBBBMeow.  He was so descriptive.  Too Cute!  His dentist today told me he is a strong kid.  Very strong and she can tell this by his mouth.  um...ok!  I will now go around informing all moms that my 3 year old has a stronger mouth than your 3 year old. 

In other news..Mason is 14.5 months old and NOT WALKING but he can sure climb.  He climbs up his high chair, up the stairs, up the step stool...everywhere.  I seriously think his feet are just too small and he wobbles which makes him fall on his butt.  Oh geesh...please just walk already before Momma starts to freak. 

Speaking of freak...Halloween is coming up :)  Mason's costume comes in the mail today.  Joe is not too happy about this (he thinks any kid no matter how young should be ghosts and monsters) pictures will come later this week.  In the meantime..take a look at my nieces and nephew last year.  Can you tell which one likes the camera/attention :) 

1 comment:

  1. haha, I love that Sarah just working it.

    PS, this is your cousin Stephanie. Mom told me how much she likes reading your blog so I thought I'd see how you were doing!
