
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Santa is staying...(don't read if you believe in SANTA KIDS)

Back to my previous post.  I brought home this Calendar where each day starting December 1st you can open the little door and get candy.  Aidan is now in love with Christmas.  All I had to do was show him candy was involved.  I wonder how patient my little almost 4 year old can be.  So...I think I have introduced Santa into our home.  This morning Aidan was being typical Aidan and whining/crying/sulking.  I was very snippy this morning as well.  Sorry husband and kids.  So it happened.  I just did it.  Without thinking.  I said..if you don't listen Aidan, Santa will know and he wont bring your presents.  Joe and I started singing the naughty or nice song.  Aidan went from whining to full out drama cry.  He was devastated.  Joe and I couldn't help but giggle a little.  So I calmed him down and pretended to call Santa to let him know that Aidan had a ruff morning but he is good now and he can still bring him presents on cmas. 

IT WORKED.  Aidan started to listen and do what we told him to do.  see..I knew Santa would come in handy.  So now I am all about Santa.  Bring it!  I told Aidan this weekend we can send Santa a letter telling him what Aidan wanted for cmas.  Aidan kept talking about "A".  I was very confused.  Then realized he thinks letter is a part of the alphabet.  ding ding ding.  I told him we have to write on paper and put in the mail box.  He still kept talking about the letter "A" like his name.  Ok...this one may have to be a show him kinda thing.  Don't think talking about it will click with him.  It's all good..I am knew to this Santa stuff too Aidan.

Another funny story...walked down stairs this morning and sure enough Joe had Mason all ready to go.  Then I realized my little bugger had some mighty big feet.  um...Joe you put Aidan's shoes on Mason.  Yeah..note the 2.5 year age difference.  W.O.W.  He also tried to put Aidan's socks on Mason.  Seriously Men...should we put labels on everything?  Too Funny...good laugh first thing in the morning.

Dear Keith Emory:  I need thanksgiving pictures.  please upload to ritzpix per my request.  Thank you

So..since I don't have much pics to post..I found some oldies but goodies on my work computer :)...enjoy..

From our wedding....
Look how little Aidan is....I remember taking this picture.  We were walking around the resort at our wedding trying to calm him down.  He had food in his mouth he wouldn't spit out or swallow.  He just kept it in his cheek.  After about 1-2 hours of him keeping the food hostage..Joe and I forced it out of his mouth.  Tears followed.....oh memories!
Joe and I were mighty HOT here

Some of Mason...
Look how tiny his legs are...just crazy

Cant get over how tiny he is

1 comment:

  1. I told Anna Cate I have Santa's email address, and when she is pouty I can take her picture and email him and a few days later she said, "Mommy, I hope Santa doesn't bring me mulch." I think with all that we do for them for happy christmases, it is a little gift for us!! :)
