
Monday, October 4, 2010

Is it worth it?

So a weekend planned.  Dropping the kids off at grandmas Saturday morning on the way to Busch Gardens to enjoy some adult time with friends and come back Sunday night in time for the 4pm football games.  Sounds like an fun relaxing weekend without kids.  Or so you think. 

Friday night was spent packing.  Joe's comment every single time I am packing by myself, "we are only gone for one night, how hard can it be?"  Well Mr. will never know because I don't trust you to pack the kids.  I can however give you a taste:  porta crib, stroller, blankets, pillows, extra blankets because boys like to squirt out their diapers in the middle of the night, soap and shampoo and lotion because if Aidan uses anything other than what we have he will have a major rash all over his body, allergy meds, tooth brush, tooth paste, clothes for warm weather, clothes for cold weather, bottles, baby juice, 2 pacis, formula, baby snacks, Aidan's dvd player with movies, shoes, socks, pjs and that is just a small list.  There is more.  But is just one night so it should be easy.

Saturday mornings before road trips should never start like this, "uh oh, damn, crap (those are pg words used the morning of) the alarm didn't go off, we are late".  Me, "Joe, did you set the alarm for weekdays only?  Because today is Saturday?".  So our target time to leave 7am, we did not leave until 9:45am.  I was tempted to lie to my friend and say we have been on the road for hours.  I hate being that person who is always late..but oh well.  She knew that about me when she invited me on this trip :) 

The two hours on the way to grandmas sounded something like this.  "I want fries"  "Aidan they don't sell fries for breakfast" "WAAAAAAAAAA" "You are driving fast, you will only save like 3 minutes by speeding" "No, if you don't speed it adds on a few minutes so that 3 minutes is actually like 6 minutes" "WAAAAAAA" "Baby no Baby no"  "Aidan leave baby alone" "Baby no" "Where is the pacifier, where is the bottle, give him a snack, give him food" "I cant stand this station" "I want to listen to Daddy song" "Aidan I don't want to listen to Daddy song" "WAAAAAAAAAA"

Then dropping off kids to Grandma was a full out mission.  Two cars seats out..two car seats in..bags out bags in.  Mason didn't long as you fed him grapes.  Sorry about the diapers changes Grandma.  Aidan however went crazy crying.  To the point where he could not breathe.  He was so upset I left him but later was upset when I picked him up.  You cant win with that child.  He woke up on Monday morning after peeing his bed (Mason as well peed all over his bed the same night) asking for Grandma and Missy (new kitten).  He loved it I was happy. 

Busch Gardens was awesome.  Except for the annoying teenagers.  Seriously was not like that at that age, was it?  They are so annoying.  I found myself repeating the words, "I am a mother, I am an adult do not yell at this little teenage kids who are cutting in line, loud wearing pants too tight hugging and kissing all over their 13 year old boyfriends."

Pictures sum up our trip:  fyi..that bud light lime was so darn good!

$28 meal...geesh...don't want to see how much we spent on this trip.
Katie and Lee lead the way!

 At night is when all the spooky stuff happened.  It's like you know you are about to be scared by some man dressed up with a crazy mask..but you still jump and scream anyway!  It was awesome!

Our ride home was slightly more entertaining.  With Sirius radio we were able to listen to all games.  Joe spent the entire time driving, while texting, while fantasy football searching, while cursing and yelling at the saints game.  It was not fun for me.  I got to listen to half the skins game after we picked the kids It was not fair for me in that I heard this the entire time, "Mommy, turn it, turn it". 

All in all great weekend..always is when I get some quiet adult time.  Can't wait to do it again!

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun! I was laughing so hard through that one haunted house that I was crying! I wish Lee had gotten a video of you, Joe and I jumping from that flying werewolf too haha. Can't wait to see you again soon!
