
Thursday, December 30, 2010

CMAS 2010 @!@#&

This will be a Christmas to remember all right.  As you can see with my last post, I spent Christmas Eve, the day before we had over 20 people at our house, in urgent care with a 17 month old with a 104.6 degree fever.  Lack of sleep would be an understatement and it has taken me this long 12/30/10 to recover from Christmas.  This is where Mason stayed for a few days.  My back is feeling it.

What is up with my face??  No we do not give Mason bottles...I was trying anything and everything to get him to drink fluids but the kid was no dummy.  He knew the second he opened his mouth he was getting a dose of meds.
 At one point at the doctor's office they wanted to give him medicine to bring the fever down.  I warned the nurse he would spit it out.  Sure enough...all sloppy, eyes half shut, lethargic Mason spit that medicine out the second it entered his mouth.  I was used it it but the nurse looked a little upset.  She should see my snot filled shoulder. 
Only way I could keep him hydrated.  Poor snot crusted kid. 
Before Christmas was actually quite exciting.  My mom came up and pooped Christmas all over our house with her decorations she bought at auctions over the years.  She seriously needs some type of intervention. 

Middle right picture you can see Jersey's tail.  Middle left picture you can see our star...nice and straight ;)

 Ok Freaky decoration below.  Sorry Mom...this one made it to trash....

So one of my newly created family tradition is to buy a few cmas ornaments.  Aidan was tickled to death helping put as he would call the "ormaments" on the tree so after school one day I took him to the store to pick out a few new ones.  I was way too lazy to drive an extra 5 minutes to target and after spending 15 minutes trying to find a Christmas store that did not exist I ended up at pier 1.  Love that store.  1 broken ornament and 1 "hidden behind candles" broken ornament later we ended up with 4 ornaments for $30.  Am I crazy???  yep cause Target sells cute ones for $2 each.

HAHA Daddy's butt hangin out...had to put him on blog blast. 

Cmas Morning....or was it night...or was it 2am..oh I can't remember....

No matter how much money or how many gifts you give your just doesn't seem like enough.  It is so hard to teach kids and adults the true meaning of Christmas.

Aidan wasn't too interested in the whole Santa thing.  He did mention he forgot to leave out cookies for him.  I assured Aidan we did.  We were running around crazy the night before...we failed to really sit down with him to talk about Santa. 

Gifts didn't stop Cmas morning...Grandmas and Aunts and Cousins brought more.  There was a lot of she got more than me and we lost the gift card and we forgot so and so this year.  But's not about the gifts.  Tell that to a 7 year old girl who is sulking in the corner cause her sister got more gifts.  She didn't by the way...we count gifts in our house. 

So the true meaning of Christmas to me is spending time with Family.  There was a lot of that going on in my house with sick kids.  Please note next on my Mommy Do List so people don't send hate messages is to discard the pacies...we can do it..we can do it.

Clean playroom except for the TP mason was playin with.  He plays with TP in the playroom surrounded by toys
Card games were played...BTW Karen and I whooped Joe and Keiths A!@#$# in spaids.  We are that good!

Mason is watching his DVD on the right.  His Daddy hogs the tv to watch I am 1,000% sure he is my baby daddy type shows. 

What did I take away from this Christmas.  Dope my kids up on Vitamins before the holidays.  Keep them out of daycare for at least 2 weeks prior to any holiday.  Hire a niece to take pictures since I am way to freakin busy the day of.  Oh...and do exactly what I did this year.  Spend it with lots and lots of family!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Where have I been????  You would think with the holidays I would have time to get on the computer and blog a little.  HA

I have a list of where I have been this past week. 

1.  104 fever pneumonia for Mason, Urgent Care on Cmas Eve
2.  Over 20 people in my house on Cmas day
3.  Ear infection for Aidan
4.  Half our siding to our house flying around the streets
5.  No heat for 24 hours due to a $12 part
6.  5 days later and pneumonia not gone and go ahead and add double ear infection
7.  Oh yeah..add cmas in there and maybe a full time job.  just maybe...

Will be back to my blogalishis life soon...promise....lots of pictures to show.  YEAH I had time to take pictures with a baby strapped to me for 48 hours while cooking and cleaning and preparing for cmas and post cmas.  HAHA 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Mason on the go go go go

Days like Saturday make me realize why I stopped at two.  Holy cow what a day I had.  Hubby was gone so it was me and the two crumb snatchers ;).  Aidan had gymnastics so I had to get out of the house by 10:30. that was going to happen. 

Mason oh Mason.  All I can say is WOW.  We thought you were this mellow baby.  We thought you were different.  Boy were we wrong.  God must really believe we can handle it all because he sure did bless us with some busy clingy boys.  We love you just the same. 

So...10:25 and I am running around trying to get out the door and I don't hear Mason.  I stop in my tracks and scream his name sprinting up the stairs to find him playing in the toilet.  Wash his hands.  Don't have time for full bath.  10:30 can't find keys.  10:33 found keys.  Run out the door get on the road by 10:40.  Get on highway and gas light comes on.  Thanks hubby for leaving me with gas.  You are oh so kind.  Thing is the next exit is 10 miles away so I am praying to the gas gods to get me to gymnastics first then gas station.  Because gymnastics is much more important than getting gas.  Don't worry blog followers.  I did not run out of gas.  Someone upstairs knew that was too much for me to handle. 

Gymnastics was ok...Aidan was "tired" and didn't want to participate.  Turns out it was a little to difficult for him today so he claimed he was too tired.  He later told me that he only wants to do things if it's easy.  Oh he has a lot to learn.  Mason spent the majority of the time at gymnastics going up to complete strangers begging for their candy canes.

Since I bribed Aidan with McDonald's so he would go to gymnastics I had to stop on the way home.  Not sure why but he wanted to eat inside instead of the car so I thought that was a great idea.  McDonald's with both my boys during nap time.  Such a great idea Momma...I should get the Momma of the year award.

McDonald's was fantastic.  Mason peed right through his diaper so his left leg was nice and wet.  Aidan told me he wanted to keep eating to get big like daddy so leaving in a timely manner was not going to happen.  Chicken nuggets and sauce ended up on the floor.  I looked like a maniac trying to eat my food so I could get out of there.  Mason ended up climbing on the table.  At one point I turned just in time to see vanilla milkshake flying through the air landing all over the floor and Aidan's head with Aidan standing there with "that" look on his face.  He dropped it right side up and the force shot the milkshake out of the cup like a freakin torpedo.  It was insane.  I cleaned up Aidan while trying to clean up the table while trying to hold a peed left leg baby while trying to keep Aidan from melting down.  And no he was not melting down because his milkshake torpedoed all over the floor.  He was melting down because for some reason he got it in his head that he wanted a "new" toy for spilling his milkshake.  When I said no, he stood in the middle of McDonald's sobbing.  Me holding a peed all over baby and fries, consoling a 4 year old covered in milkshake sobbing because he wants a new toy.  Yes my kind of day.

Short nap and bath time later...
I give him a sippy cup of milk.  Next thing you know I find a trail of milk throughout the house.  Mason had decided to spit out the milk on himself and all over the house.  He was soaked with soy milk.  Get him dressed turned for a second turned back to him climbing a stool going headfirst in his porta crib full of toys.  He just laughs and wants to do it again.  This is just a snapshot of what went on Saturday.  Small glimpse.

I may trip over the toys at the bottom of the stairs that was thrown down there by the little booger.  I may be exhausted by the end after picking up candle wax that was chewed and spit out by him.  At any given time you will find jelly stains throughout my house from him.  He loves to dig in the trash and eat leftovers.  He begs for anything containing sugar.  He likes to chew cheese and spit it out 5 minutes later.  He loves to play with hot water and bowls.  Oh Mason I love you.  I have a feeling many more days like this are in my future. 

Pics below are a glimpse into a day with lil man...


Thursday, December 16, 2010

OMG it's snowing!!!

This is me ranting.  If you are the glass half full type person go ahead and skip this post. 

So...when it snows in Maryland people go NUTS.  I mean it's like the world is coming to an end..stock up on milk, bread and tp because you will be stranded in your house for like weeks, months maybe.  I was driving to work today and it started to snow.  I mean just STARTING.  Everyone slammed on their brakes.  I was looking around thinking Jesus was standing in the road or something.  Surely they weren't slamming their breaks because of a few flurries.  YEP..they were! 

I got to work at 10 (yea ruff morning for me).  As I was pulling into work..there was a train of cars leaving work.  LEAVING.  Why might you ask.  Because of less than two inches of snow.  I mean forget about getting work done.  Everyone from one hall to the next was talking about this huge blizzard. 

Now fast forward to 4pm.  I did leave slightly early because I knew there would be idiots on the road and getting home (40 miles from my job into the mountains) would be an adventure.  I had been warned the interstate was a no no so I took the side streets.  OMG..I said it again.  OMG!  Cars trying to go up a hill.  Wait wait..I wont give that incline credit for being a hill because it was definitely not a hill.  There were cars attempting to go upward with flashers on,stuck.  Well yea, when driving your 2 door sports car while slowing down up the "hill" you may lose some momentum.  SPEED UP.  Either little dinky sports car on the side not moving.  Another truck sliding all over the place and all the other cars stopped in confusion.  "Drive straight...don't stop at go...collect your $200 and KEEP GOING!. 

Ok..maybe I think I am better than everyone else because I have a super duper snow vehicle Jeep Commander.  I am Queen Bee in the snow.  I know this..but if you know you cant drive in the snow.  You drive a rear wheel drive vehicle...stay home...stay at work...or walk home.  GEESH. 

Finally make it to Target to bite into some cmas shopping.  Parking lot was slightly covered...not big deal.  This chick had ALL her car doors open loading her car which blocked a good parking spot next to her.  That pissed me off.  Then I see her later using an ice scraper on every single piece of window on her car.  And I mean she was cleaning EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF ICE OFF HER WINDOW.  Side windows..back windows..front windows. 

Later sitting in target eating a hot dog that had probably been sitting out all day so I didn't pass out while shopping it dawned on me.  I know why that lady made me mad.  Because she was freaking out about the snow and had to get every piece of ice off her car so she can drive 2 miles per hour to get home.  That is why I was pissed.  I understand driving slow in the snow.  But it is unsafe to drive too slow.  You are not going to make it up hills and I will want to run into you because you piss me off. 

Not everyone is as grumpy as me during snow and holidays.  As I was pushing my kart (or do I spell it cart?) through the parking lot in the slushy mess while wearing my 3 inch heals this guy said to me "oh I'll help you with your kart sweetie".  Ok was he being nice cause he felt bad or was he hitting on me?  oh well.

ok done

Now for some holiday humor...take a look at the Perkin's Christmas Tree Star!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Aidan Bday Part II

Aidan's Bday Part II as promised.  Let's travel back in time to see how my Amper Pamper has changed over the year....

Fresh out of the oven..

First Bday...wasn't a fan of the cake.  Notice strategic placed icing on face for picture only.  Clean boy doesn't like dirt or anything on his face. 

2nd Bday...Quiet night at home.

3rd Bday...Chuck E Cheese.  He was and still is crazy Cars as well as Chuck E Cheese.

4th Bday below...AMP has started to enjoy the show Fresh Beat Band....I love as well.  Lots of music and dancing.  "CRAZY LEGS".   
Fresh Beat Band was hard to get..but Momma gets what she wants!
Omar stayed in this spot while all the other kids climbed through the jungle gym.  He ain't no fool.
Best 5 year old video gamer in the world...Chase..if you look closer you can see he has both feet on the gas while peaking through the gap in the wheel while racing his car.  He did good too...amazing.

Yes that is Kye climbing on the machine like a pro to roll his ball
You will never see a picture like this long as he is under my roof.  If you know me...I don't allow guns or games with guns around Aidan/Mason.  It is funny though.
You will also never see a picture like this again.  If you know Karen, she does not allow guns at all!  The funny part was that she was teaching him how to shoot...tooo freakin funny.


Monday, December 13, 2010

It's been 4 YEARS

Aidan:  "Mommy, am I 4 again today?"
Mommy:  "Yes Aidan today is your birthday and you are 4"
Aidan:  "Wow I am getting so so big!"

Yes birthday has been the topic of conversation with Aidan.  He eats a bag of chips and stops to tell me how big he is getting.  He tries to understand the concept that Saturday was his birthday party but Monday is his real birthday.  He thinks he has 2 birthdays...he doesn't quite get it. 

It all started with my friend Shannon taking me shopping about 20 weeks pregnant to Baby Gap.  It was then I became hooked to that little peanut inside of me.  That was over four years ago.  Four years ago today Joe and I were at Anne Arundel hospital schedule for a C-section..never went into labor with Aidan (the labor Gods were good to me).  38 weeks preggers and the kid was head up.  Breach..not flipping which was fine with me because I didn't want everyone staring at my "who ha" while trying to push this 7lb 12oz baby out.  It was quick and easy.  Well...maybe not easy.  It's funny the things I remember. I remember the two doctors talking about the upcoming Christmas party and what they were going to be bringing.  I remember Aidan's head was too big so the had to pull out the "benjamins" to pull his head out.  I remember when Aidan was born everyone left me to be with Aidan.  I stayed on the operating table like thinking to myself, "yep I am not longer the center of attention."  I remember laying in bed afterwards and wondering why I had not needed to use the restroom to only realize that the yellow bag the nurses were looking at was not mountain dew. did I not realize that?  I remember Joe and I having strep throat...he had to leave me one night while the antibiotics were working.  I just Mom had gone home (she thought Joe was coming back) and I was alone with Aidan in the room (they don't take the babies to the nursery).  I remember Aidan had a dirty diaper and I needed help and was convinced the nurse was mean to me so I just cried.  Oh that was bad.  Damn hormones.  Thankfully Keith and Karen came to helped me later that night.  They were veterans at that baby stuff.  I remember trying to breastfeed and supplementing with formula only to be given the stank eye by the breastfeeding Nazi nurse lady.  I remember the first night we brought Aidan home he slept like 6 hours for us.  I called my mom the next morning and she seemed quite jealous and didn't think that was fair.  HA HA.  I remember every time Aidan needed a diaper change, a bath or a bottle it was a family event.  Joe and I would both huddle around Aidan and both change his diaper.  One would sooth him while the other would hurry up to change his diaper.  He was NOT a fan of being naked.  I remember Aidan had to be laying on one of us to sleep.  We took turns with him on our chest (FOR 3 YEARS). 

4 years later...

Birthday party was held at Adventure Park.  Aidan calls it the "big" Chucky Cheese.  We had a few of his friends from school as well as cousins come to the event.  The men huddled to the side and talked loudly about football while the kids ran around wild.  I just stood there dazed.  I don't do well around crowds haha.  It was perfect.  The pictures speak for themselves.....

Aidan and Omizzy ... Double Trouble

The pictures above were added for two reasons.  The one on the left because my arms look AWESOME.  Thank you Body Combat.  The one on the right...Miss Kennedy...beautiful smile :) 

This party isn't about me is it?

Kye had a fascination with every one's hair Saturday...oh Kye..haha
Stay tuned...more pictures will be posted tonight.  My slow butt computer took too long ...