I have no idea what I want to talk about today. I am just going to spurt out some randomness. As Aidan would say KA-CHOW (from the movie Cars if you were wondering). So let the randomness begin....
Joe and I seriously have issues lately. I believe it has to do with our data plan. First thing we do when we wake up, grab our phone and go to facebook, news, sports, fantasy, etc. Last thing we do at night before we go to bed is check our phone. What do we do in the bathroom, check our phone. We go on a date and sit at the table and both have our phones out. WOW. I really think our phones (mainly my husbands) is distracting us from our kids and our relationship. The other day he put Mason down for the night with no blanket or paci. I blame the cell phone. The kids are begging for our attention but we have our phones in front of our faces. We need an intervention..bad!
Aidan was a hand full this weekend. His tummy was hurting Saturday so no gymnastics. He was very whiny and demanding. I was kinda happy when he fell asleep last night at 7pm. I felt kinda guilty feeling that way but I needed some Aidan breaks. Don't worry, he woke up this morning in the same mood. Cried because I left his night night shirt on him and he couldn't brush his teeth. Remember, Aidan likes his pants, sock and underwear on with no shirt when he brushes his teeth. How dare I leave his night night shirt on. "Not nice Mommy"
Mason needs to sleep through the night. Seriously the most mellow kid out there. Come on though...stop waking up in the middle of the night wanting a bottle. Joe and I do not have the will power to force you, you must do it on your own. Come on Mason..you can do it!
I really need to invest in an umbrella. Have you looked outside today?
I love this lotion. Seriously awesome. They had this a few years ago and it made a return not too long ago. Greatness in a bottle.
My husband owns too many hats, belts and shoes. They end up all over the house. Drives me BONKERS You know what he said to me the other day out of nowhere. He told me he meant to tell me a while ago that I used the word "aloud" and should have spelled it "allowed" in a facebook status update or somewhere. I couldn't have spelled it wrong on my blog because he doesn't read it. But he just had to tell me that I used the word "aloud" incorrectly and I should have spelled it "allowed". Seriously...Seriously??? Thanks husband. What on earth would I do without you?
I need friends. Friends with kids. Don't get me wrong. I have a few friends without kids and I wouldn't trade them for anything. But I am desperate for some girlfriends. My blog only does so much for me. I recently asked a friend of a friend's wife to go shopping with me. It's like I am going on a date. I have to make this work. Cause this Momma needs friends. You should see me at the gym trying to friend everyone in my body combat class. I am starting to act a little desperate people! Speaking of friends I love these friends below...awesomeness.
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Shannon and Lyla :) What is Mason doing?? I love his outfit though. |
Ok..enough with the most randomness blog post ever.
I personally love your head in the above picture. I need to send you and Joe an article I read in the New York Times about how media is killing family time. It's very scary. I love you. Hang in there :) PS: that lotion ALWAYS reminds me of you. I think that is the same lotion you brought to Nags Head when we went on family vacation together. You know the one where we blasted Eminem non-stop. Always cool. XO