Last night was a parenting adventure for me. It was hard! My little Amper Pamper has always been very strong willed. He likes doing things his way and on his terms. Last night he informed Joe and I he was going to play the "shooting game" which is Call of Duty on PS3. Mommy does not allow Aidan to play shooting games. Mommy doesn't even like Aidan to be in the room while adults are playing shooting games. He knows this. I gave him 4 warnings.
"Aidan, you will go right to bed if you play that game"
"Aidan, I am warning you, you will go to bed if you play that game"
..........I was in SHOCK!!!!!! He didn't care. He put the game in and started to go through all the beginning parts to get to the actual shooting part. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Like..maybe he was just joking with us and he would stop once it got too far.
I went in the room, turned off the game and took him right to bed. Oh my goodness, you would think we had shot the boy. He was "NO, NO, NO, NO, I no crying, I play skating game" This went on for 30 minutes. I did not want to scare him (for some reason timeout in his room scares him to death) so I had the tv on in his room with the light. I went in there several times and rubbed his back telling him to take the punishment like a big boy. It was hard for me. I don't like it when he gets so upset he starts to hick up. You know that hick up kids get when they cry too hard? I hate it. But, I was really sad that he had completely disobeyed me in that way. I wasn't mad at all..just really sad. It has started. I have two boys..not teenage girls. I wasn't supposed to go through this.
typical Aidan face....easy to capture cause he makes this face all the time!
So the first thing Aidan says when he wakes up this morning, "I want playing skating game, I no want to play shooting game, no I no want to play shooting game"
I guess it worked! I hope we don't have another one of those mommy kid fights for a long while!
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