
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Walking Part II

I was reading my own blog today.  Yeah I do that to increase my own stats.  I am trying to get up to 1,000 blog views by Thanksgiving.  I can do it..I can do it.  Sorry ADD kicked in...back to what I wanted to say.

I was reading my own blog today and noticed the post below was about how Mason was not walking.  Aidan was a late walker as well.  Whenever parents brag about how their kids were walking at 10 months I say, "oh yeah..well mine can throw a ball".  Seriously been known to say that exact same phrase on numerous occasions.  Do I think both kids walking at 14 months is an indication of how advanced they are?  No!  But it would be nice to say to someone one day that my kid was walking at 10 months. 

So the other day Joe and I were laying in bed...well it was about a month ago...and we saw out of the corner of our eye Mason in the bathroom (he followed Aidan in there) standing up.  He randomly decided that night was the night he would stand up on his own.  No help, no grabbing something and pulling up.  He got his feet under him and stood up..hands sticking out to balance himself.  I think it is so funny..what he must have been thinking.  He was in the middle of the bathroom, past his bedtime and bam.  He wanted to stand up.  Joe and I knew he would be walking soon after.  And...he didn't.  He would stand up on his own every once in a while and wait for clapping and then fall down smiling.  We would try to get him to walk and he would get mad at us and growl at us. 

This all changed on 9/29/10.  I was folding laundry and Mason had one of those moments.  In the middle of the kitchen he thought to himself..why not tonight.  So he stood up..laughed and walked 3 steps, fell down stood up laughed and walked 3 more steps.  I cried of course.  Picked him up..twirled him around and called Joe and Jenny.  I kept him awake past his bedtime until Joe got home.  I wanted him to see and didn't think we would get another step from him but we did.  He took 3 more steps for Joe.  Thank God.  I don't have to do anymore google searches on when kids should start walking. 

Oh BTW...Mason HATES getting his diaper the point where his hernia looks like it is going to explode. 

Eating and Walking....


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Creative 3 year old

Cute story just have to share.  Aidan is starting to use his imagination.  Love it.  I just sit, watch and smile.  Last night he was talking about how there were snakes in the bathroom.  He could only touch the carpet and jump to the clothes.  "The snakes are going to get your mommy, you have to JUMP JUMP JUMP". 

Before he went to bed (I was a little worried because usually he isn't this "creative" which made me touch his head and make sure he wasn't burning up) but he was telling me that there was a big Jersey cat (my cat is named Jersey) downstairs with big eyes, big mouth and fat that goes BBBBBBRRRRMeow.  Seriously..the kid thinks there is this cat that lives downstairs and is fat and go BBBBMeow.  He was so descriptive.  Too Cute!  His dentist today told me he is a strong kid.  Very strong and she can tell this by his mouth.  um...ok!  I will now go around informing all moms that my 3 year old has a stronger mouth than your 3 year old. 

In other news..Mason is 14.5 months old and NOT WALKING but he can sure climb.  He climbs up his high chair, up the stairs, up the step stool...everywhere.  I seriously think his feet are just too small and he wobbles which makes him fall on his butt.  Oh geesh...please just walk already before Momma starts to freak. 

Speaking of freak...Halloween is coming up :)  Mason's costume comes in the mail today.  Joe is not too happy about this (he thinks any kid no matter how young should be ghosts and monsters) pictures will come later this week.  In the meantime..take a look at my nieces and nephew last year.  Can you tell which one likes the camera/attention :) 

Monday, September 27, 2010

Random Random and More Random

I have no idea what I want to talk about today.  I am just going to spurt out some randomness.  As Aidan would say KA-CHOW (from the movie Cars if you were wondering).  So let the randomness begin....

Joe and I seriously have issues lately.  I believe it has to do with our data plan.  First thing we do when we wake up, grab our phone and go to facebook, news, sports, fantasy, etc.  Last thing we do at night before we go to bed is check our phone.  What do we do in the bathroom, check our phone.  We go on a date and sit at the table and both have our phones out.  WOW.  I really think our phones (mainly my husbands) is distracting us from our kids and our relationship.  The other day he put Mason down for the night with no blanket or paci.  I blame the cell phone.  The kids are begging for our attention but we have our phones in front of our faces.  We need an intervention..bad!

Aidan was a hand full this weekend.  His tummy was hurting Saturday so no gymnastics.  He was very whiny and demanding.  I was kinda happy when he fell asleep last night at 7pm.  I felt kinda guilty feeling that way but I needed some Aidan breaks.  Don't worry, he woke up this morning in the same mood.  Cried because I left his night night shirt on him and he couldn't brush his teeth.  Remember, Aidan likes his pants, sock and underwear on with no shirt when he brushes his teeth.  How dare I leave his night night shirt on.  "Not nice Mommy"

Mason needs to sleep through the night.  Seriously the most mellow kid out there.  Come on though...stop waking up in the middle of the night wanting a bottle.  Joe and I do not have the will power to force you, you must do it on your own.  Come on can do it!

I really need to invest in an umbrella.  Have you looked outside today?

I love this lotion.  Seriously awesome.  They had this a few years ago and it made a return not too long ago.  Greatness in a bottle. 

My husband owns too many hats, belts and shoes.  They end up all over the house.  Drives me BONKERS  You know what he said to me the other day out of nowhere.  He told me he meant to tell me a while ago that I used the word "aloud" and should have spelled it "allowed" in a facebook status update or somewhere.  I couldn't have spelled it wrong on my blog because he doesn't read it.  But he just had to tell me that I used the word "aloud" incorrectly and I should have spelled it "allowed".  Seriously...Seriously???  Thanks husband.  What on earth would I do without you?

I need friends.  Friends with kids.  Don't get me wrong.  I have a few friends without kids and I wouldn't trade them for anything.  But I am desperate for some girlfriends.  My blog only does so much for me.  I recently asked a friend of a friend's wife to go shopping with me.  It's like I am going on a date.  I have to make this work.  Cause this Momma needs friends.  You should see me at the gym trying to friend everyone in my body combat class.  I am starting to act a little desperate people!  Speaking of friends I love these friends below...awesomeness. 

Katie...why don't we have pictures of both of us together???????????  We need to get busy this weekend and have a photo shoot.  Sorry Joe and Lee, you will have to shut your mouths for a few minutes and take our picture!

Shannon and Lyla :)  What is Mason doing??  I love his outfit though. 

SMALLS!  Look how big my head looks?  Definitely need bangs or a hat or just a paper bag.

Ok..enough with the most randomness blog post ever.  

Thursday, September 23, 2010

One of those nights...

I look at the title and say to myself...there are a ton of those "one of those nights"  That being said. 

It's been one of those nights...

I pick up Mason and was told by his sitter that he did "it" again.  He leans over his porta crib only to gag himself and proceed to projectile vomit all over her floor.  He is 1 and is already going to drastic measures to get attention.  This is his second time doing this and hopefully his last...please please please

I get home knowing we have no food in the house.  I am on my own tonight, Joe is at his son's football practice.  I am thinking..I can do this...I will get creative.  Made eggs, bacon and biscuits.  Feeling even more domestic and cut up oranges for afterwards.  Mason and Aidan went to town...AWESOME.  I can do this!  So I thought to myself..I need to clean the kitchen..what can I do to entertain the kids while I clean the kitchen.  I know..ding ding ding.  Chocolate! evidence above and below.  I mean how does he get it on his nose?  Seriously.

Ok..I can do this.  Take both kids on phone with co-worker.  Clean Mason up real quick..clean Aidan up.  Talk with friend...she is about to have baby Lyla any day now, Get Aidan out of tub.  Aidan goes... "Baby Stinky"  I am thinking..OH SHIT!  Mason is grunting.  I am running.  I pick him up and PLOP!  HE POOPS IN THE TUB!  Seriously Mason..Seriously.  Last time he did this he was 1 month old.  Aidan NEVER did this as a baby.  I am not ready for this...Seriously. 

So what do I do you may ask?  I sit him on the toilet.  Yeah like a soaking wet 14 month old is going to sit on the toilet and go poop for me.  Seriously?  So my night ends with me chasing around baby Mason getting him dressed.  He is getting into everything!  I am trying to put Aidan's eczema lotion on.  Aidan looks at me and says, "baby driving you bonkers".  ok...guess I use that phrase too much in front of my three year old.  But ya know..I really liked bonkers as a kid.  So it is kinda good thing. 

Lesson learned mommy gods.  Do not give baby chocolate at 8pm at night. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

3yr old vs. 28yr old

First I will start out by saying I really had to think hard about how old I was.  I actually took today's date and the year I was born to figure it out.  How sad!

Last night was a parenting adventure for me.  It was hard!  My little Amper Pamper has always been very strong willed.  He likes doing things his way and on his terms.  Last night he informed Joe and I he was going to play the "shooting game" which is Call of Duty on PS3.  Mommy does not allow Aidan to play shooting games.  Mommy doesn't even like Aidan to be in the room while adults are playing shooting games.  He knows this.  I gave him 4 warnings.

"Aidan, you will go right to bed if you play that game"

          "Aidan, I am warning you, you will go to bed if you play that game"


..........I was in SHOCK!!!!!!  He didn't care.  He put the game in and started to go through all the beginning parts to get to the actual shooting part.  I gave him the benefit of the doubt.  Like..maybe he was just joking with us and he would stop once it got too far. 


I went in the room, turned off the game and took him right to bed.  Oh my goodness, you would think we had shot the boy.  He was "NO, NO, NO, NO, I no crying, I play skating game"  This went on for 30 minutes.  I did not want to scare him (for some reason timeout in his room scares him to death) so I had the tv on in his room with the light.  I went in there several times and rubbed his back telling him to take the punishment like a big boy.  It was hard for me.  I don't like it when he gets so upset he starts to hick up.  You know that hick up kids get when they cry too hard?  I hate it.  But, I was really sad that he had completely disobeyed me in that way.  I wasn't mad at all..just really sad.  It has started.  I have two boys..not teenage girls.  I wasn't supposed to go through this. 

typical Aidan face....easy to capture cause he makes this face all the time!

So the first thing Aidan says when he wakes up this morning, "I want playing skating game, I no want to play shooting game, no I no want to play shooting game"

I guess it worked!  I hope we don't have another one of those mommy kid fights for a long while!

Monday, September 20, 2010


I don't cook!  I am not a fan.  I don't like seeing my food before it is cooked.  I especially hate the clean up.  I have accepted this about myself.  My husband (although complains non stop about this) knew about my hatred of cooking long before we married.  He enjoys to cook though and I enjoy his cooking even though he never cleans off the stove after cooking. 

My neighbor, everyone knows her by Mason's daycare lady, has informed me on numerous occasions what she is having for dinner or lunch.  I have even called her to borrow two slices of bread so I can feed Aidan PB&J for dinner.  Yes, I am that Mom who feeds my kid's lunch/breakfast food for dinner.  Aidan has now started to inform me he will not be eating wake up food when it is dark outside.  Anyway, my neighbor one day comes out of her house while the kids were playing.  I was looking tired, frazzled, still in my pj's, no shower, 6pm at night.  Her with her make up on, hair done lips smacking tells me how good her dinner was that night.  They had steak, mashed potatoes, some chocolate drink and then my mind starts to wonder as she is telling me this.  I am thinking to myself, "Is she going to offer me any of her leftovers?"  "Is she telling me this to make me feel guilty for not cooking for my family?" "Maybe she is tipsy over that chocolate drink and just wants to socialize?"  Don't get me wrong.  I love her..she is awesome and Mason loves her and I couldn't ask for a better neighbor.  I would have loved her more if she made enough for me and my family haha.  After that night of eating cereal and fruit for dinner I made it my mission to stop this nonsense and start cooking.  We have had meat loaf (favorite thus far among the kids), taco night....

I was told this meat loaf looks like a football.  Of course it looks like a football.  It was made in the Perkins house!

Ok...I am trying to remember what I have cooked this past week and I can't seem to remember.  Steak was there one night...a pasta dish somewhere too.  I am getting better I promise.  I even made cup cakes.  See proof below!  (see also what Aidan is wearing :), I tell Joe if he doesn't want his kids to wear Skins gear he needs to go out and buy Saints clothes and until then they will wear what I put on them :))

So...when my kids start thanking me after dinner I can tell them to thank our neighbor for guilting me into becoming a better Mom/Wife.

Side note:  Aidan is all boy.  He farts, burps, punches his older brother.  The newest thing he has been doing it burping and then rushing to anyone around him and says, "smell my teeth"!?!?  Oh Boy!  I just hope he doesn't do this in public.  Although if he does it would be a good blog story.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Gymnastics "Nastics"

Saturday mornings always start out with such hope and motivation.  I plan to get so much done during weekends and they always end with such great disappointment.  I should lower my expectations but at an early age I learned two things from my mom:  "Everything always has a way of working out" and "If you intend to do it, go for it until it is done (Holidays were always filled with intentions and my Mom did everything to make it happen).  This weekend may not be a holiday but with two young kids, school and a semi new house, you best believe there is a ton to do.

When I was younger I remember sitting in front of the TV feeling giddy while watching the 1996 Olympics.  Giddy because of the gymnastics .  They were freakin awesome that year, The Magnificent Seven.  I had always wanted to do gymnastics.  After 5 years of asking, my Mom finally signed me up at the old age of 13 or was it 14?  Either way that is like 60 in gymnastics years.  I loved it though and always dreamed I would have a daughter who would start real young and dominate the sport.

Well....I have two boys.  No girls and my hope of creating Blaine Wilson have slowly started to diminish.  First, Aidan is just too big.  You have to be tiny and with Joe's big butt, I don't think will grow up "small".  Also, Aidan is not the (I shouldn't say this but American Idol has made me realize not to be blinded by your kid's talent just because they are your kids) best kid in the class.  I remember one class they were swinging on the bar.  I was sitting up in the Mommy area where all the Mommy's get to sit around and brag about their kids while I run around bouncing Mason on my hip trying to wave at Aidan every moment I could so he wouldn't freak out run and come look for me.  Anyway, I was watching Aidan on the bar.  They were teaching him how to skin the cat or something like that.  Either way he was going upside down and BAM.  He just let go of the bar.  Right on his head.  I am not sure what was going through his mind to let go of the bar right when he went upside.  There was this other time as well where they were running around the mat.  He was the LAST one.  I mean I wanted to scream FASTER AIDAN FASTER.  Aidan may not be the best in the class.  He screams and cries every time I drop him off.  I usually have to bribe him with a "surprise" for him to go to gymnastics.  You may wonder why I do it.  I am teaching him not to give up.  I know he is only three but I think its important.  I am also teaching him how to listen to a teacher/coach and be part of a team.  Also, every single time gymnastics is over he tells me he wants to go "nastics" again.  He really does like it.  He just fakes like he doesn't because he is too shy to show excitement.

 All smiles stretching.  He was not smiling when I first dropped him off.  This is his 3rd 9 class session.  It gets better then worse then better then worse.  One day I will miss the fact he is so needy of Mommmy.

Mason entertaining himself while Aidan is at "nastics".  He is so mellow he can find entertainment anywhere.


I think the teacher told Aidan to PAUSE

The little girl was not sharing turns like she was supposed to.  I always tell Aidan, "little girls go first", may it be a water fountain or a door.  He doesn't quite understand.  He was patient with her 5 turns to his 1.  He tried to push her away once but the teacher stopped him.  He later yelled in front of all parents and kid while pointing at her saying, "that gurl don't share".  Inside I was happy he said that but of course told him not to shhhhhh.  Oh geesh.  Wait until he gets into more competitive sports.  I will be such a sideline Mom. 

I talk so much about Aidan.  I don't want to leave out Mr. Mason man.  He has come to start loving all things fluffy and soft.  We noticed he would crawl across the floor and stop mid crawl, find a blanket or pillow, put his head on it and laugh.  I bought him a stuffed animal the other day and he was just smitten.  I snuck in his room while he was sleeping and caught him laying with his new stuff animal.  Too cute!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mornings in the Perkins house...

It is ruff in our house in the mornings.  I am not a morning person at ALL.  I need red bull and before I have it, everyone knows to stay away.  What is even worse is my 3 year old has inherited my hate for mornings.  I am always about an hour late for work.  Seriously!  My alarm goes off and I just lay there.  I don't get up for an hour.  The only reason I end up out of bed is because Mason wakes up.  After playing in his crib for 30 minutes he gets a little impatient so I drag him back in my room and I crawl back in bed.  Then Aidan wakes up.  I have to go in his room pick him up and take him back in bed with me to cuddle.  We have to have cuddle time for at least 10 minutes.  He needs to 10 minutes.  If he does not get those 10 minutes of cuddle time he will start the morning off crying.  Joe is in the bathroom at this time.  Well, he has been in the bathroom for an hour now.  Yes an hour and I wait for him to get out because it is too much work for me to walk 10 extra steps to the boy's bathroom.  I will get mad if he takes too long.  Yes, I get mad at him for taking too long in one of our 4 bathrooms.  I told you I wasn't a morning person.  Amidst Joe and I arguing over who is taking which kid to daycare, Aidan realizes that we are all getting ready for work and in fear of being left behind he runs in his room to grab his clothes left in his cubby by me myself and I.  Mason is crawling around the floor getting into everything at this time.  Now here is where it gets tricky.  Aidan has a routine.  Do not mess up his routine.  You have to read his mind to know if today is the day he wants help or today is the day he does NOT want help.  This is every single morning in our house.

This morning I did not read Aidan's mind very well.  "Not Nice MOMMY" as Aidan would say.  As I was getting ready I saw Aidan struggling on the floor trying to get off his night time clothes.  I wasn't too sure if he wanted help so I kinda ignored him.  He has to get his underwear, pants and socks on first before brushing his teeth.  After he brushes his teeth, the then puts on his shirt.  It HAS to go in that order.  In fear of being fired I rushed downstairs to get ready and leave.  I yelled to Aidan several times I was downstairs and I was NOT going to leave him.  I made a huge mistake of grabbing his shirt and socks.  I was trying to help.  He found out I took his shirt and socks downstairs and started crying.  Once it starts, there is nothing to make it stop.  "Oh crap" I yelled as Joe tried to kiss me good bye and I completely ignored him.  I went upstairs and he is sobbing because I took his shirt.  I told him I was trying to help him and well that was not a good excuse.  Today was one of those mornings he did not want help.  I notice he was having trouble with the toothpaste so I go to help him with that and he cries even more.  I just wanted to get out of the house.  I was late.  (ok side note:  Joe and I know we are great parents.  We discipline our boys a certain way and we have no regrets.  We don't spank, we try not to yell and we try to talk through any problems.  That is 90% of the time.  Today was the 10%)  I just started yelling.  "Mommy is late."  "Why are you crying."  "GRRRRRRRRRR."  I put him in timeout only to realize I didn't have time for timeout so I dragged him in the bathroom.  Forced the toothbrush in his mouth and yelled at him.  I yelled and yelled and I was so upset.  I got him dressed and sat down on the floor and realized how upset he was and how yelling was just making it worse.  I took a deep breath realizing that being late for work is my fault and not his.  I told him why mommy was upset and I understood why he wants to do everything on his own but it's ok to have Mommy help.  He of course told me that he doesn't want help.  I apologized for yelling at him.  He milked it.  I gave him a hug and felt horrible.  It was my fault I was rushing.  He doesn't like being rushed. 

So I realized this morning that it is selfish of me to rush him because I get up late.  Aidan is very particular and I have to accept that.  It is cute and I love that about it.  It makes him unique.  Monday will be a new day.  I will wake up early with clothes ready for myself, Aidan and Mason.  Monday will be a new day..Monday will be a new day...Monday will be a new day. 

This weekend will be filled with "nastics" as Aidan would call it and cake baking.  Stay tuned...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

NCAA Football

See..I am still on day one of my super cool blog and I have already felt the need to complain.  This is what I don't want to do too often.  Life is way too short to  complain and I have realized that after reading other blogs.  I say once per month make some rants on here.  Here is my free bee for the month of September. 

Dear NCAA Football.  Why must you play on Thursday nights?  I love football.  I love my husband even more.  I also love my kids even mostest.  When football is on in my house the kids are fed snacks for dinner, they go to bed late, baths are skipped, ants are fed in the kitchen (yes ants), kids beg for attention and wives beg even louder.  Again, don't get it twisted..I LOVE FOOTBALL.  I just don't love it so much on a Thursday night.  Our trash has to go out on Thursday night.  We have to get kid's clothes ready for the morning.  Not to mention MOMMA needs some relaxation with the tv in the bedroom.  It is just not going to work NCAA.  I can tolerate ALL day Saturday and can tolerate Sunday NFL.  But Thursday is where I draw the line. 

In happier news I found two huge boxes of 18 month winter clothes for Mason in his closet.  Thank goodness I once wasted away all my money on clothes for my first.  I get to go through the hand me downs and get excited all over again. 

And how can I stay mad at Mr. NCAA Football when I get to look at these faces every night.

Testing Testing

I feel like I am in a foreign country.  I am not a writer.  I don't enjoy reading or crafting.  But I have all these thoughts racing through my head and I just want to get them out.  When I was younger I made myself believe I was this awesome poet.  I would write in my room and read poetry pretending to know what they were talking about but reality was I had no idea.  I wrote a poem to my Mom for mother's day one year.  I watched her read the poem and watched in a shy excitement.  However her expression was not what I expected..she looked confused.  She had no idea what the poem meant.  (I read it again 10 years later and wondered the same thing)  I think it had something about dots in the poem..yes dots.  I am sure it sounded awesome at the time being 12 or something.  So from then on..I stayed clear of writing.  I also self diagnosed myself with ADD.  So therefore trying to sit down and read a book would be pretty much impossible.  And...I associate being creative with having money.  Seriously.. the things I would like to do (using my creative side of my brain) would cost too much damn money so I stay clear.  So this blog may be crazy.  I may misspell words.  I may think I am sounding cute when really I don't.  I may type short sentences because (sorry was interrupted by my husband wondering why I am still at work) and I have lost my train of though.  See I told you I had ADD.  Ok I just re-read what I typed and I think I am up to speed.  I was telling you why I wanted to blog.  Oh yes..because I have crazy thoughts I need to get out.  I have two beautiful boys and I want to start documenting their life so I don't forget when their girlfriends ask questions.  I also have family (Hi Ma and Max) far away and they don't get to see my boys much so this is a way to keep them up to date in all my crazy day to day activities.  I am blogging not to change lives.  I don't have a sad story to tell.  I may be hypocritical.  I may be ignorant sometimes.  I will use bad grammar and misspell words.  Thank goodness for spellcheck.  That is the beauty of this.  It doesn't matter.  If you don't like what I say don't read it :)