Saturday mornings always start out with such hope and motivation. I plan to get so much done during weekends and they always end with such great disappointment. I should lower my expectations but at an early age I learned two things from my mom: "Everything always has a way of working out" and "If you intend to do it, go for it until it is done (Holidays were always filled with intentions and my Mom did everything to make it happen). This weekend may not be a holiday but with two young kids, school and a semi new house, you best believe there is a ton to do.
When I was younger I remember sitting in front of the TV feeling giddy while watching the 1996 Olympics. Giddy because of the gymnastics . They were freakin awesome that year, The Magnificent Seven. I had always wanted to do gymnastics. After 5 years of asking, my Mom finally signed me up at the old age of 13 or was it 14? Either way that is like 60 in gymnastics years. I loved it though and always dreamed I would have a daughter who would start real young and dominate the sport.
Well....I have two boys. No girls and my hope of creating Blaine Wilson have slowly started to diminish. First, Aidan is just too big. You have to be tiny and with Joe's big butt, I don't think will grow up "small". Also, Aidan is not the (I shouldn't say this but American Idol has made me realize not to be blinded by your kid's talent just because they are your kids) best kid in the class. I remember one class they were swinging on the bar. I was sitting up in the Mommy area where all the Mommy's get to sit around and brag about their kids while I run around bouncing Mason on my hip trying to wave at Aidan every moment I could so he wouldn't freak out run and come look for me. Anyway, I was watching Aidan on the bar. They were teaching him how to skin the cat or something like that. Either way he was going upside down and BAM. He just let go of the bar. Right on his head. I am not sure what was going through his mind to let go of the bar right when he went upside. There was this other time as well where they were running around the mat. He was the LAST one. I mean I wanted to scream FASTER AIDAN FASTER. Aidan may not be the best in the class. He screams and cries every time I drop him off. I usually have to bribe him with a "surprise" for him to go to gymnastics. You may wonder why I do it. I am teaching him not to give up. I know he is only three but I think its important. I am also teaching him how to listen to a teacher/coach and be part of a team. Also, every single time gymnastics is over he tells me he wants to go "nastics" again. He really does like it. He just fakes like he doesn't because he is too shy to show excitement.

All smiles stretching. He was not smiling when I first dropped him off. This is his 3rd 9 class session. It gets better then worse then better then worse. One day I will miss the fact he is so needy of Mommmy.
Mason entertaining himself while Aidan is at "nastics". He is so mellow he can find entertainment anywhere.
I think the teacher told Aidan to PAUSE
The little girl was not sharing turns like she was supposed to. I always tell Aidan, "little girls go first", may it be a water fountain or a door. He doesn't quite understand. He was patient with her 5 turns to his 1. He tried to push her away once but the teacher stopped him. He later yelled in front of all parents and kid while pointing at her saying, "that gurl don't share". Inside I was happy he said that but of course told him not to shhhhhh. Oh geesh. Wait until he gets into more competitive sports. I will be such a sideline Mom.
I talk so much about Aidan. I don't want to leave out Mr. Mason man. He has come to start loving all things fluffy and soft. We noticed he would crawl across the floor and stop mid crawl, find a blanket or pillow, put his head on it and laugh. I bought him a stuffed animal the other day and he was just smitten. I snuck in his room while he was sleeping and caught him laying with his new stuff animal. Too cute!