
Thursday, June 2, 2011


I was missing for a while.  While I was gone, blogger changed things on me.  I kept trying to go to I losing it?  Either way..I had to go to  I am so confused.  Shocker.  Well...I have been missing from bloglife.  I think its my ADD.  Bad ADD lately.  I mean my mind keeps racing...every time I think to pick up my camera or write down my thoughts, my thoughts jump around and I lose track of what I was just about to do.  I am a walking ADD poster ad. 

Yesterday, I was on my own in getting both kids, dinner and entertaining them until bed time.  I had to bribe Aidan with a smoothie from McDonalds.  He wanted to go to the grocery store.  It is pretty bad when your 4 year old begs you to go to the grocery store to buy food.  I was way too tired for the grocery store, 95 degree weather, high heals, 2 hungry kids and missing Daddy. That was NOT going to happen.  So I bribed him with a smoothie and made spaghetti.  Instead of cleaning up the mess, I distracted myself by going outside with the kids.  Watered the flowers and played with toys.  Mason ended up taking his little car and taking off towards the park.  So the park it was I guess.  7:30 at night going to the park.  I am always that panic looking Mom at the playground.  The one stuck in her head thinking of all the horrible things that could go wrong.  Mason could fall and break a bone or land on his head.  What if he gets a bug bite and somehow has an allergic reaction to it.  I mean crazy thoughts.  And then after I come back to reality I see this!

This boy is going to give me a lot of freak outs.  He is determined to do everything his older brother can do.  His older brother is determined to show him everything he shouldn't do.  On the way back from the park I had to throw Mason over my shoulder.  We got back to his car thing to push back to the house and he refused to wear his shoes.  He took them off and wanted to walk barefoot all the way home.  I of course would not allow that.  Remember, I freak out in my head of all the things that could go wrong.  I could just imagine a huge piece of glass getting stuck in his foot and I having to rush him to the ER.  Well...Mason would not let me put on his shoes and I would not let him walk barefoot.  So I was that crazy neighbor walking after 8pm through the neighborhood with a SCREAMING 2 year old wiggling off my hip while hitting me, pushing this red and yellow car thing with my 4 year old behind me laughing because he is hitting me with this bike.  Ahhhh good times.

Another reason I have been MIA is I have been vacationing in Spain.  No I'm kidding.  Really though...been in Louisiana visiting my husbands side of the family.  All I can say is it is a DIFFERENT world down there.  Drive through margarita places (yes with real alcohol) and casinos located conveniently in gas stations.  I wanted a picture of that one..but hubby was too busy texting to get out of the car and take a damn picture.  That is another story though.  Oh and the food.  I am talking lots and lots of food.  All I did was eat down there.  Life is centered around its food.  I was even daring enough to try crawfish.  I learned how to break the tail and suck the head....(insert sarcastic comment here).  Awesome time..awesome trip.  Wish I took more pictures.  I blame the ADD.


  1. My boss is from Louisiana and he is obsessed with their food. I hear about crawfish all day long from him....
    PS: I love the Mason butt in pic number 1

  2. You are so funny!!! I almost used this song, and i think the message is to soak up the good life, which is what you are doing with your kids!!!! And it it totally ok to tell them not to walk away from you in the store because someone might take is true!!! Welcome back, my blogging/mommy buddy!! XO
