I blame daycare germs. Or maybe I should run faster when Mason digs in the trash pulls out some leftover food and puts it in his mouth. Either way I am tired of germs, runny noses, fevers, ear infections, coughs and grumpy kids. Bring on SUMMER!
I have not logged onto this little thing called blogger because I was in bed from Tuesday to Saturday. It was that bad. Those darn crumb snatchers got me sick. Didn't help I was wearing myself thin with working overtime, going to gym and homework till all hours of the night. I made it so easy for those germs to hop right in and go for a ride. Oh...it was a miserable ride. The kind of ride where I prayed for my appendix to burst so I could go to the hospital and have them take care of me. It was "that" bad. Aidan was cute though. At one point he brought me up toast. Then decided he wanted the toast for himself. It's the thought that counts.
This morning Mason was mad about something and remember I told you he was into this hitting phase. Well sometimes he is so mad he will just hit himself. Joe said, "do you think something is wrong with him?". I told him no, he was normal, Aidan is the one that isn't normal. We tend to compare Mason to Aidan and in reality, Aidan wasn't your typical "boy" baby. He wasn't into everything, he was neat and clean. He was different at Mason's age. Then again, I shouldn't put a "normal" tag on either one. They are both unique. But, I did google "baby hitting himself" just to be sure.
You know what has really started to bug me. Those signs above the interstate. You know, the digital ones that say "I-70 4 miles, 4 minutes". What is the point? First of all, you slow down traffic for MILES before the sign because everyone has to slam on their brakes and read the darn thing. Even if it said "I-70 4 miles, 75 minutes" it wouldn't change anything. There is nowhere to get off the highway. There is no u-turn that can be made. We are stuck there for those 4 miles, so is it really necessary to tell me how long it is going to take to go 4 miles? NO, it is not. It just causes more problems and more accidents. I am debating on writing a letter to someone important to get this resolved. Either that, or I am going to take a big truck tall enough to ram into the darn sign. Such a waste of money that sign.
So I am the kind of parent who tries to give my kids choices. I want them to make their own choices at a young age. I give them options. Maybe not such a good idea. Mason freaked out when he picked out shorts to wear and I didn't put them on as a shirt. Aidan melted down the other day when we put the sponge bob toothpaste on his toothbrush instead of the cars one. Sometimes I don't want to give him choices. It is a learning process for this veteran/new Mommy. I am a veteran Mom to my friends but in reality I am a new Mom. I am learning...but I am so wise at the same time. Oh so many angles.
I am not in a writing blog kinda mood but I wanted to keep the 2 that read this sucker entertained so here ya have it. Random nothings about my life and my family. I promise to get more creative in the week. T-Ball starts tomorrow, so I am sure to have some cute stories.
In my attempt to wish Summer upon us, I have daydreamed my way back a few years ago to Turks and Caicos. I want to go back so bad. I want to go back so bad. The BEST place ever to go. I want to go back so bad.
Just look at those beaches..and that water. MAGIC I tell ya. 2012 here we come. Oh wait..I want to get "surgery" in 2012. 2013 here we come Turks and Caicos!
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