"Mommy I want Popsicle"
"Mommy I want Popsicle"
"Aidan the rule is you have to eat your dinner before desert"
"Mommy I want Popsicle"
"Mommy I want Popsicle"
"Mommy I want Popsicle"
Have you ever tried to listen to that question over and over from a 4 year old mouth for 1.5 hours straight while your other child is flinging his corn across the kitchen. God was testing me last night. He decided it was time to see how much I could take in a 24 hour period. Well, God, I made it out and Aidan did end up getting a Popsicle after Mommy refused to give in and had to spoon feed him his corn (the broccoli was spit out immediately after entering his mouth). I just hope I still have my sanity. If I lost it, I wouldn't know because I am insane. Only those around me would know. If you think I am insane now, please keep it to yourself and let me enjoy the craziness that is happening in my head.
I friend of mine wrote about her cup being full and having a girls weekend empties her cup just enough for her to come back to her kids a happier Mommy. My cup is way full. It is overflowing leaving this ring of milky coffee all around the bottom of the cup. Actually my cup is a large cup. The one that could hold ice cream or soup. A megga cup. Even that cup is full. I need a break. Big time. The kind of break where I leave everyone and go by myself somewhere far away. Well that wont be happening anytime soon.
I want to run you through the past 24 hours. It will help me empty my overspilling cupocoffee. Thursday morning husband has to go to work. He wakes up when it still dark outside. Of course all the kids wake up too. Damn light sleepers. It doesn't help that we had guys outside banging on our house fixing our siding. Who can sleep through that? Sorry neighbors if they woke you up too!. Aidan spent a good hour crying about wanting to see the guys fix the house for which I assured him we would see them on our way out the door. That of course is not good enough so I had to hear this "Mommy I want to go outside" "Mommy I want to see" "Mommy what is that" "Mommy what are they doing" Over and Over and Over again. Picture that while I am running around getting 2 kids ready and myself showered and ready with a 19 month old snot nosed boy following me around crying wanting me to pick him up and when I don't pick him up he hits me for which I tell him to be nice, show him how to be nice by rubbing his hand and hug him for which he hits me on my head. Marathon people...I run a marathon every day with these boys. I grab whatever I can feed these crumb snatchers in the car. Drop Mason off first not after he has used my shoulder for a snot rag. Aidan cries because he not only wants to eat his breakfast but mine as well. I bribe him with chocolate. It works.
Then I drive to work (could take 30 minutes or 1.5 hours). Work so hard I only allot myself 1 pee break (it's my busy week). Leave by 4:30pm so I am able to get to Mason by 5:30 (thankfully I have a 30 minute window cause on rainy traffic days it takes longer). Pick up Aidan first. Aidan sits in car seat asking if I got him a surprise. LOL. No..I did not get you a surprise for which my response is followed by this whiny cry that lasts for um....lets see...until he goes to sleep. Pick up a Rotisserie Chicken for dinner get Mason who tries to flee the car into the street. Get home prepare dinner while all the time I hear Aidan whine and cry about he is hungry, he wants his shoes off, he wants his coat off, he wants to watch his show, he wants desert, baby did this, baby go away, baby hit me, he is hungry, he doesn't want chicken, he doesn't want corn, he doesn't want broccoli, Mommy take off my shoes, Mommy you are not nice.
Bath follows. Aidan doesn't want to take a bath, Aidan wants to play nick jr on the computer, Aidan wants Mommy to set up computer. Aidan has to poop. Aidan doesn't want to go poop (sorry for the nasty). Mommy makes Aidan go poop. Aidan ignores Mommy. Mommy sends Aidan to room followed by big cries. Aidan finally goes poop. Comes out of the bathroom and yells at the top of this lungs "YOU ARE NOT NICE MOMMY, I DON'T LIKE YOU". Followed by Mommy counting to 10 so I don't lose it. I didn't lose it. I did good. I just told him that was not a nice thing to say and it hurt my feelings. While all this is going on Mason is running around naked after his bath throwing things, knocking everything off dressers and messing with Aidan on the computer. Mason spends the next 20 minutes running from room to room naked.
Get Mason to sleep at 8. Wearing a rain coat he refused to take off. Daddy comes up and takes Aidan (thank the good Lord). I finally get time to sit down and do homework. 8 page paper on mergers and acquisitions due Sunday as well as class participation and 2 group assignments. Do you really think I can concentrate after the day I just had? I ran a freakin marathon. Aidan woke up twice last night and wanted to come in our bed. Mason woke up at 6am that is an hour of sleep I lost for me to do it all over again today. When will I have time to do my homework? When will I have time to play with my kids? Is all this worth it? I am exhausted......but it was pretty darn cute watching Mason fall asleep with his rain coat in my arms yesterday.
I think you need to rename this post what you named the previous one because you've earned that title! How you're going to school on top of all that is beyond me... you're super mom!
ReplyDeleteThe raincoat really made me laugh! If you ever need to get away and don't want to be alone, please let me know. I am close enough that we could hang out. By the way, you should follow my blog. You can read my rants about dating while I read yours about kids.
Haha Jenny...I tried to go to your blog but it won't let me in because I am not invited. INVITE ME!!!