Most of you already know my dislike towards doctors. I, of course, could not go a week without another complaint. Mason had his 18 month checkup. No shots this time. Thank the good Lord for that one! I kinda get annoyed though. I had to fill out this paper asking questions about Mason. Does he point? Does he walk? Does he understand what you ask of him? Stuff like that. There was a few questions where I was like "NO" he does not do those things. One was if he can pretend get a doll dressed or pretend vacuum (while making a vacuum sound). The doctor of course dwelled on those questions I answered no to. She was very concerned. First of all...I have 2 boys and a step SON. So no we do not own baby dolls. Second of all..I don't vacuum. We hire a cleaning service to do that crap so he never sees anyone vacuum. The doctor then was concerned because Mason does not copy facial expressions. Well no doctors, I have not spend any time sticking my tongue out at Mason to see if he will copy me. Sorry. After feeling a little overwhelmed, I finally shouted out.."he picks his nose if he sees you doing it". She was a little stunned but I think I gave her what she wanted. The boy can copy leave me alone. Some of those questions are not needed in my opinion. I already told you he can do things on command, he can walk, he can play with toys and interact with you. Does it really matter if he doesn't copy me when I stick out my tongue and he doesn't get dolls dressed. UGH!!!! It just makes me more paranoid. Especially with talking. He is of course behind just like Aidan was. But are you comparing my kids to those kids who are already speaking different languages and knows how to sign.
So Mr. Mason's measurements are funny to me. I also have my concerns with how they "compare" your child's measurements to the population percentile thing. That is another rant at another time. Ok get this..
weight: he is in the 3-5% range
height: he is in the 50% range
head: he is in the 90% range
I don't understand how a kid with such a big head can be so underweight. How is that even possible? You are saying my kid's head is full of air? Just strange. If one is big..shouldn't the rest be big. eh..he is happy and that is all that matters..even being a skins fan he smiles...
I decided to stay home on Monday...being a holiday and all. Mommy Kid day. So what was I supposed to do on a Mommy Kid day??????? Build a fort...thanks Amy for your idea!. Ok ready....
I am awesome.
Well..not so awesome at cooking. For breakfast that morning Aidan informed me he wanted cereal so cereal he got. Well..Mason had the last frozen waffle....and Aidan freaked the crap out over it. Why can't they just get along? I got creative and decided to make a waffle. I heard a lot of this coming from my pit crew.
"Daddy can do it better"
"Daddy wouldn't have used that butter"
"You messed up because you used this (pointing to oil) Daddy does not use that"
But I prevailed yes I did. :) I am a waffle fighter.
I wanted to get a picture of Aidan's eye lashes....but of course he forgot to I helped a kid out!
But seriously...look at those lashes....don't worry Karen..I photo shopped the uni!
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