Lots going on in the P household.
When I was preggers with Mason, Joe and I made the decision to stop having kids. So after Mr Mason man was born the doctor's made it official. Now...I don't regret my decision. God told me a long time ago I could only handle two kids. He is right..but that doesn't mean I don't get the itch every now and then. I have it real bad lately. EVERYONE around me is pregnant and having girls. Seriously..everyone. I want a girl so bad and if Mason or Aidan is reading this 20 years from now..I wanted you even more baby boys.
So what does one do to fill that baby girl void. She visits all her friends who have baby girls and hug on them and kiss on them and spoil them because they are oh so adorable. Baby Lyla below....I couldn't go one more weekend without kissing that head of hers. The only shot of Lyla below. I was too busy keeping my youngest son from destroying their home and did not take more pictures :(.
Monday morning 1am. I hear this strange sound coming from the other room and then this voice followed, "Mommy, I frow up". It is weird what happens next. Not so much weird but pretty damn cool. Mommy intuition kicks in. Like when Mommy cats have their kittens and they know to eat that sack around them. How do they know to do that? Anyway..if I haven't grossed you out enough with this last paragraph. But it is true...something kicks in. I jump out of bed wide awake and know exactly what to do. Clean him, hug him, give him water, stay awake to make sure he makes it to his toy bucket I used has a throw up bucket. Resourceful us Moms are. Funniest part of the entire night. My husband who had been up with a stuffy nose Mason comes in the room where I am laying down with Aidan and says, "lets switch kids, I need sleep". HAHAHAHAHAHA So are you implying that I have been sleeping this entire time??? Speaking of husbands..look at what he put Mason in last night. I told him that onesie didn't even fit him and his words back to me are, "Well it shouldn't be in the drawer". You know what Mr Husband...you can be in charge of all kids clothes. Switching out the ones that don't fit and boxing them up. For alllll three kids. Better yet no..nevermind. They would look like this every day!
I do love my husband. Never a dull moment!
Sneak peak at some family pictures taken by my favorite most patient photographer ever, Lisa Shafer. She keeps coming back for more and I can't wait until our next session.
MY BLOG! A way for me to have a new gal pal. Share stories about my family, vent about the little things that bother me and brag about the good.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Most of you already know my dislike towards doctors. I, of course, could not go a week without another complaint. Mason had his 18 month checkup. No shots this time. Thank the good Lord for that one! I kinda get annoyed though. I had to fill out this paper asking questions about Mason. Does he point? Does he walk? Does he understand what you ask of him? Stuff like that. There was a few questions where I was like "NO" he does not do those things. One was if he can pretend get a doll dressed or pretend vacuum (while making a vacuum sound). The doctor of course dwelled on those questions I answered no to. She was very concerned. First of all...I have 2 boys and a step SON. So no we do not own baby dolls. Second of all..I don't vacuum. We hire a cleaning service to do that crap so he never sees anyone vacuum. The doctor then was concerned because Mason does not copy facial expressions. Well no doctors, I have not spend any time sticking my tongue out at Mason to see if he will copy me. Sorry. After feeling a little overwhelmed, I finally shouted out.."he picks his nose if he sees you doing it". She was a little stunned but I think I gave her what she wanted. The boy can copy me..now leave me alone. Some of those questions are not needed in my opinion. I already told you he can do things on command, he can walk, he can play with toys and interact with you. Does it really matter if he doesn't copy me when I stick out my tongue and he doesn't get dolls dressed. UGH!!!! It just makes me more paranoid. Especially with talking. He is of course behind just like Aidan was. But are you comparing my kids to those kids who are already speaking different languages and knows how to sign.
So Mr. Mason's measurements are funny to me. I also have my concerns with how they "compare" your child's measurements to the population percentile thing. That is another rant at another time. Ok get this..
weight: he is in the 3-5% range
height: he is in the 50% range
head: he is in the 90% range
I don't understand how a kid with such a big head can be so underweight. How is that even possible? You are saying my kid's head is full of air? Just strange. If one is big..shouldn't the rest be big. eh..he is happy and that is all that matters..even being a skins fan he smiles...
I decided to stay home on Monday...being a holiday and all. Mommy Kid day. So what was I supposed to do on a Mommy Kid day??????? Build a fort...thanks Amy for your idea!. Ok ready....
But I prevailed yes I did. :) I am a waffle fighter.
But seriously...look at those lashes....don't worry Karen..I photo shopped the uni!
So Mr. Mason's measurements are funny to me. I also have my concerns with how they "compare" your child's measurements to the population percentile thing. That is another rant at another time. Ok get this..
weight: he is in the 3-5% range
height: he is in the 50% range
head: he is in the 90% range
I don't understand how a kid with such a big head can be so underweight. How is that even possible? You are saying my kid's head is full of air? Just strange. If one is big..shouldn't the rest be big. eh..he is happy and that is all that matters..even being a skins fan he smiles...
I decided to stay home on Monday...being a holiday and all. Mommy Kid day. So what was I supposed to do on a Mommy Kid day??????? Build a fort...thanks Amy for your idea!. Ok ready....
I am awesome.
Well..not so awesome at cooking. For breakfast that morning Aidan informed me he wanted cereal so cereal he got. Well..Mason had the last frozen waffle....and Aidan freaked the crap out over it. Why can't they just get along? Anyway...so I got creative and decided to make a waffle. I heard a lot of this coming from my pit crew.
"Daddy can do it better"
"Daddy wouldn't have used that butter"
"You messed up because you used this (pointing to oil) Daddy does not use that"But I prevailed yes I did. :) I am a waffle fighter.
I wanted to get a picture of Aidan's eye lashes....but of course he forgot to smile..so I helped a kid out!
But seriously...look at those lashes....don't worry Karen..I photo shopped the uni!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
18 months....Baby!
18 months today this little guy entered my world. I know it's not his bday or anything..but 18 months is a big day for him. Think about it. It is the only month between 1 and 2 that has it's own clothing size. Not like any of the 18 month clothes fit him. He is barely 20lbs. My little peanut.
See photo montage below :)...my have you changed Mason....
My "curly toe" baby boy...
See photo montage below :)...my have you changed Mason....
My "curly toe" baby boy...
And the GRAND finale.....
Love you Mason...big little guy..18 months today :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Body Combat!!
About a year ago I bought a gym membership for Joe and I. At first he was pissed. How dare I spend money on him. I thought it was a good idea though. It is important to stay in shape and get out of the house away from the chaos and each other. It was about 6 months since I had Mason so I needed the exercise in a bad way!!!! Ok...I am sure those who know me just laughed after reading that last sentence. I didn't gain much baby weight and lost it all real quick...but when I lost it all...I lost it ALL including muscle.
So with that membership came that free personal training session. HA! That was funny. Why do those guys insist you come in at like 5am? Are they crazy???? And the expectations...after my free session I came to the conclusion I ate like crap..was lazy..and complained a lot. Hey..but I was at the gym so I was doing 'something' right. So of course with the new year I had all these goals and unrealistic expectations. Eating better..working out...blah blah blah. Do you know how hard it is to keep those goals? Almost impossible!!!
My free personal trainer session guy, Nick, insisted I take these classes. Classes?? All I could imagine in my head were these women..all these women...doing stepping routines and jumping around. Do those classes even work??? I mean...before joining the gym I had noticed that most those women were NOT in shape. These assumptions have since changed so don't freak out. All of the women and some men taking these classes are in amazing shape. I think it was opinions shaped from a gym I used to work at when I was younger. So I laughed at the thought of doing one of these classes but he insisted. He actually insisted I take two classes in a row. Was he nuts? I didn't know the difference between body flow, combat, pump, kick, scream whatever they were called. I just jetted from work one day and jumped in the next class available.
Body combat..boy was I in for a shock. I am a little confident and maybe even cocky when it comes to athletics. I am good..no..no..I am GREAT. Well...not this day. This class is intimating on more than one level. Not only physically...but emotionally. There are "clicks". Now..I love these girls now..and I feel like we all support each other in our personal and gym life. It is great. However..on my first day..and even 1-2 months later..it was ruff. Who knew that these classes had assigned "spots". If you got in anyone's spot..or were not a certain amount of distance from everyone else..you got the stank eye. The whisper...the stare. It was like high school all over for me. Being new to Frederick and not having too many friends reminded me of being new to the 9th grade. Maybe trying "too" hard to friend these girls. I maybe completely paranoid and a little nutto...but oh well.
So I survived the first class despite the fact that I almost vomited and couldn't walk for at least 7 days after. I was hooked. It is freakin awesome. I love it. It makes me want to go to the gym. If it wasn't for this class...I would not be going to the gym and would be one of many paying for a membership that is not used.
Soon after becoming hooked..I remember driving home from this class and calling my husband excited. The "click" girls like me now. They friended me and included in me in their "area". I now have a "spot". Ok..for all you body combat girls reading this..don't laugh. I know..I am retarded. But it has seriously impacted my life. I love the class..and love the support everyone shows. Everyone supports each others cause..and weight loss goals. I love it.
As I type this...I realize I have to leave like now in order to get to the gym in time to stand by the door to run in and get MY spot. PEACE
So with that membership came that free personal training session. HA! That was funny. Why do those guys insist you come in at like 5am? Are they crazy???? And the expectations...after my free session I came to the conclusion I ate like crap..was lazy..and complained a lot. Hey..but I was at the gym so I was doing 'something' right. So of course with the new year I had all these goals and unrealistic expectations. Eating better..working out...blah blah blah. Do you know how hard it is to keep those goals? Almost impossible!!!
My free personal trainer session guy, Nick, insisted I take these classes. Classes?? All I could imagine in my head were these women..all these women...doing stepping routines and jumping around. Do those classes even work??? I mean...before joining the gym I had noticed that most those women were NOT in shape. These assumptions have since changed so don't freak out. All of the women and some men taking these classes are in amazing shape. I think it was opinions shaped from a gym I used to work at when I was younger. So I laughed at the thought of doing one of these classes but he insisted. He actually insisted I take two classes in a row. Was he nuts? I didn't know the difference between body flow, combat, pump, kick, scream whatever they were called. I just jetted from work one day and jumped in the next class available.
Body combat..boy was I in for a shock. I am a little confident and maybe even cocky when it comes to athletics. I am good..no..no..I am GREAT. Well...not this day. This class is intimating on more than one level. Not only physically...but emotionally. There are "clicks". Now..I love these girls now..and I feel like we all support each other in our personal and gym life. It is great. However..on my first day..and even 1-2 months later..it was ruff. Who knew that these classes had assigned "spots". If you got in anyone's spot..or were not a certain amount of distance from everyone else..you got the stank eye. The whisper...the stare. It was like high school all over for me. Being new to Frederick and not having too many friends reminded me of being new to the 9th grade. Maybe trying "too" hard to friend these girls. I maybe completely paranoid and a little nutto...but oh well.
So I survived the first class despite the fact that I almost vomited and couldn't walk for at least 7 days after. I was hooked. It is freakin awesome. I love it. It makes me want to go to the gym. If it wasn't for this class...I would not be going to the gym and would be one of many paying for a membership that is not used.
Soon after becoming hooked..I remember driving home from this class and calling my husband excited. The "click" girls like me now. They friended me and included in me in their "area". I now have a "spot". Ok..for all you body combat girls reading this..don't laugh. I know..I am retarded. But it has seriously impacted my life. I love the class..and love the support everyone shows. Everyone supports each others cause..and weight loss goals. I love it.
As I type this...I realize I have to leave like now in order to get to the gym in time to stand by the door to run in and get MY spot. PEACE
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I stole this pic from you Lori..thanks! |
Thursday, January 6, 2011
So..I have to be at work on time today. And by on time I mean no more than 30 minutes late. I get ready head to toe without either kid waking up. I am at the door and then I hear it.
"SHHH Aidan..Daddy is in the bathroom and baby is sleeping..shhhhhhhh"
"Mommy...I peed my pants, but not my bed but my pants and I have to pee now and my undwarree is wet. Mommy my pants is wet but my shirt not wet but I peed my pants."
Should I just leave....haha...sorry Mommy has to go to work. Bye.
HAHA...nah I won't do that to Joe. Not this time.
The past few weeks have not been good sleeping nights. Mason has been waking up. For a year and a half he would wake up. We give him a sippy cup or bottle and he would go right back to sleep. Nope...not anymore. We tried the rocking. We tried the rubbing of the head. Last night we tried the cry it out. Nope. He cried for more than the recommended amount of time. What is the recommended amount of time anyway? It is what I say it to be. Last night he cried way to long. It wasn't even night. It was like 5AM. So....we brought him in our bed. He went right to sleep. Now..I don't mind this scenario AT ALL. I love it. Mason NEVER cuddles or wants to lay in our bed with us. NEVER. So for him to want to just cuddle after 5am...sleeping longer for Mommy and Daddy...I don't disagree and I welcome it. We always freak out as parents. Don't get them used to your bed and get them on a sleeping routine. I had to remind Joe that this is a good thing. It's not at night..its not 1am..its after 5am..he just wants some Mommy and Daddy cuddles. This is awesome and I will enjoy it as long as I possibly can. Until Aidan wants some Mommy Daddy time too and next thing you know Mommy is yelling at Daddy to buy a king size bed. :)
Mason showing the camera his candy cane to the left. Not sure how he even found that candy cane. He can find sugar anywhere. We were walking by the bakery section of the grocery store and sure enough Mason is in the kart whining and reaching.
"SHHH Aidan..Daddy is in the bathroom and baby is sleeping..shhhhhhhh"
"Mommy...I peed my pants, but not my bed but my pants and I have to pee now and my undwarree is wet. Mommy my pants is wet but my shirt not wet but I peed my pants."
Should I just leave....haha...sorry Mommy has to go to work. Bye.
HAHA...nah I won't do that to Joe. Not this time.
This is me trying to take a picture of Mason. Yes..someone else loves the camera. |
The past few weeks have not been good sleeping nights. Mason has been waking up. For a year and a half he would wake up. We give him a sippy cup or bottle and he would go right back to sleep. Nope...not anymore. We tried the rocking. We tried the rubbing of the head. Last night we tried the cry it out. Nope. He cried for more than the recommended amount of time. What is the recommended amount of time anyway? It is what I say it to be. Last night he cried way to long. It wasn't even night. It was like 5AM. So....we brought him in our bed. He went right to sleep. Now..I don't mind this scenario AT ALL. I love it. Mason NEVER cuddles or wants to lay in our bed with us. NEVER. So for him to want to just cuddle after 5am...sleeping longer for Mommy and Daddy...I don't disagree and I welcome it. We always freak out as parents. Don't get them used to your bed and get them on a sleeping routine. I had to remind Joe that this is a good thing. It's not at night..its not 1am..its after 5am..he just wants some Mommy and Daddy cuddles. This is awesome and I will enjoy it as long as I possibly can. Until Aidan wants some Mommy Daddy time too and next thing you know Mommy is yelling at Daddy to buy a king size bed. :)
Mason showing the camera his candy cane to the left. Not sure how he even found that candy cane. He can find sugar anywhere. We were walking by the bakery section of the grocery store and sure enough Mason is in the kart whining and reaching.
Aidan had his 4 year old checkup. I had no idea he was about to get like 30 shots. I felt so bad for him. Seriously...hurt his legs so bad. He told me later, "I cried Mommy and they didn't stop hurting me". Poor guy. Is it really necessary to put him through that sorta torture??? UGH. He also had a hearing and eye test. They showed him a shape of a house and he said it was a diamond. He also said the shape of an apple was a heart. Is that a ding on Mommy? His hearing test was the highlight of my week. He had those bulky headphones on. Instead of raising his hand when he heard the beep...he in his very loud voice said, "I hear it..I hear it." so cute..
I haven't been a fan of doctors. When Mason was having milk issues, the doctor said he wasn't allergic to milk. He was fussy because he was going to a phase. When Mason had pneumonia, doctors said it was a virus let it run it's course. When they strapped Mason in this crazy device to take an x-ray, the Lady told me that he would not remember this and that it was harder on the Mom than the kid. Ok BITCH (sorry wouldn't have given the same affect if I didn't use a curse word) how do you know if he will remember it? Are you a professional infant memory doctor. I am afraid of small spaces...I wonder if they used that type of contraption when I was younger to get a "perfect" x-ray. She even said that he needs to cry to get a better picture. Are you serious? First of all..you have my 104.6 fevered son in some type of device that locks him in so he cant move at ALL. Then you are going to tell me he isn't crying enough. After she was done I tried to unhook him and she got all snippy with me saying I was going to hurt him more. Well get your slow ass back over here and get my son out of this stupid thing. UGH. that was a bad day. I just hate it when doctors tell me my child will not remember something and it is harder on the Mom. Whatever..you are just saying that so you can torture my kid to make your life a little easier. ok...i'm done!
I look a little ruff...Saturday Lazy day no makeup. thank goodness I already have a man. |
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