Awesome photos by Lisa Shafer Photography
I have been watching 16 And Pregnant (MTV show) since it started..seen every episode. It causes quite the debate in our house. You may laugh when I tell you it has caused a few arguments between Joe and I. Joe is always arguing for the 16 year old Dad and I am for the 16 year old Mom. I think his past may play a role in his strict beliefs when it comes to co-parenting. Then again..the guy just likes to debate. Here are my two cents on the show.
The last episode featured these two young kids as they all do..and during the show I would sit back in shock at how young these kids are. I am amazed. this last episode both 16 year olds were good students. They got goods grades and were on track to go to college and do even greater things. The girl got pregnant, kicked out of her Mom's house...moved in an hour from her boyfriend with her dad. She was then kicked out of the school at her Dad's house even though she was getting good grades. They said it was because of missed days..but I am sure there was "more" to it. the 16 year old father stayed in school..worked..enjoyed time with his friends and was accepted with a scholarship to college. The baby was born and the 16 year old Mom was of course left to take care of the baby by herself while the 16 year old father got to continue with his life and goals. Does that seem fair? I mean they both made the baby together. Joe's opinion was that you can't fought the 16 year old father because he was trying to get an education to provide for his family. Are you kidding me?? You really think that is on the mind of the 16 year old father. He is going to go to college...enjoy life to the fullest...get an education and realize that he does not want to be with the 16 year old mother anymore. She stayed home to take care of the kid, which all 16 year old Dad's don't realize how difficult it is. she wasn't able to pursue "her goals" but he did. Both parents made the kid...but the man gets to go to college while the woman stays home. How is that fair? It just makes me so mad. I feel for these young girls. I usually end up crying during the episode. Ok I cry a lot during the episodes.
This brings me to my next point. Most will watch these shows and say, "oh gosh I am glad I don't have a girl." Yes...I am happy I have two boys. I won't have to worry about my daughter getting pregnant at such a young age..but I have two boys. I am terrified my son will be one of "those" boys. The ones you see on 16 and pregnant. The ones who cheat on their pregnant girlfriends. The ones who don't take responsibility for their kid. That terrifies me. I asked Joe last night if he was afraid one of our boys would lack responsibility if put in the situation like the kids on 16 And Pregnant. Joe's response was typical, "I wouldn't let them." But at 16, do you really think our kids will listen to us. Doubt it...some of these dads on 16 and pregnant have parents who try real hard and who are upset at how their son's are acting. They seem to have a normal home life. So...can we really control how they will take responsibility at 16?
The show upsets me. I feel so bad for these's like they lost that flicker of hope. Ugh.
I hope you are responsible kids when you get older. I hope you treat women with respect. I hope you don't cheat..I hope you love life...I hope you take responsibility. Enough said.
What bugged me the most was how the parents of the baby daddy were talking about his plans for college and his scholarship with such blatant pride... like it didn't even occur to them that maybe those plans should be altered in some way now that he had contributed in ruining his girlfriend's life? They barely even acknowledged the role he played in getting her knocked up! Just like, oh well, too bad so sad. Every one knows the consequences are never the same for the baby daddy. And, no, he's not going to college with the intent of providing for his family. Puhlease. He's 16. He won't be fully matured for -at least- another 15 years. :-p