Aidan is almost't believe I just said that. I can't believe I have two kids under the age of 4. I am crazy. I also think I look pretty hot for having two kids under 4. Tooting my own horn. Don't do it often but need to do it more. I'll do it again. I am hot for having two kids under 4. felt good.
Anyway...Aidan is almost 4. I am having a hard time with this whole Santa Claus thing. Right now the only thing he knows about Christmas is he is getting a Nintendo DS and the decorations are pretty cool. He isn't too sure who Santa is and I haven't really talked to him about it. We do read the Christmas story to him every Christmas Eve so at least I am trying to get him to understand the Jesus part of it. I have a hard time telling him a lie. And to be honest..a part of me wonders if this kid will actually believe me if I tell him about Santa. To top it off...I am afraid he will be scared of this man who comes in our house in the middle of the night. I remember my step son when he was about 4 or 5. He was freaked out over the Easter Bunny. We actually had to put the Easter baskets on the front door step so he believed that that huge scary bunny would not step foot in our house. We didn't have a fire place at our old house so my step son felt safe around December. Keeping these kids from sleeping in our room is hard enough. They don't need to be terrified over a fat man in a red suit walking through our house.
Ok...I know. I am taking the joy away from Cmas. Also, if I don't tell Aidan this big lie about Santa, I will be afraid he will be "that kid" in school. Spoiling all the fun for the other kids whose parents will hate me. I of course want him to have an imagination. I just want him to have a realistic imagination if one exists. I am still debating on the Santa thing.....
I have pictures from my weekend..I'll put them up tonight or funny story to lead into how my thanksgiving was..well two stories
1. I was getting an oil change. The guy comes to my window and asks if I am cooking for Thanksgiving. I look at him a little funny and he says to me.."yeah you don't look like the cooking type"
2. My niece informed me that my sister in law was on the phone talking to someone and said "yeah my sister and law can't cook".
Hey now people...I can cook. I just choose NOT to cook. It makes too much of a mess....and then you have to clean it up. I can't stand the leftover food particles all over my kitchen..sitting there all day and night because whoever cooked didn't clean up after. GROSS.
MY BLOG! A way for me to have a new gal pal. Share stories about my family, vent about the little things that bother me and brag about the good.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Pillow Pets
We have been fighting the cough in our house lately. Did not leave the house at all this weekend. Aidan and Mason both have it bad. We have to be careful with Aidan because his can easily spread to his chest and lead to pneumonia (happened numerous times last winter). So...we are trying different meds to combat this cold/asthma/pneumonia problem.
So...what happens to a 3 year old who drinks a lot of water (medicine giver him dry mouth at night) and coughs all night?
ding ding ding
So what does Mommy do you may ask? What do you think? I went to my usual A1 Mart across the street to get my giant redbull. This place has everything from Nationals Hats to Silly Bands. Sure enough they had PILLOW PETS. It was like the skies parted and there they were on a shelf. I quickly bought the monkey and ran back over to Aidan's school to give to him. He was so cute. Aidan isn't the kind of kid who jumps up and down with excitement. He holds it in..kinda shy of him. He almost looks in shock..deer in the headlights when he gets a present. I wonder what he thinks in his head? Either way..he was very happy. Anything to help him get through the day. He had a ruff night too....I hope he remembers moments like these. His Mommy cares about him and wants him to be happy :)
This is our doggie named "E".
A few more from the weekend....
We hung cute snowflakes on our window...Right next to the pumpkins that are still sitting on our porch. Mason wasted now time pulling them down. Then he proceeded to lick the window and eat the snowflakes.
I took the below video about a month ago and have been debating on posting it for a few reasons (it kinda makes me look bad because of my delayed reaction). First note that the kid is a climber..before a walker he was a climber so I was trying to capture that in a video. I can't figure out how to get the video right side up so just tilt your head. Watch this first one and then read below. (pause my music at the bottom of the page first so you can hear)
Ok....I am not sure why I didn't to him (I did when I turned the camera off by the way). Also..why am I so far away. I should be right there next to him just in case he fell. Also note..Aidan freaks out but not enough to keep that Popsicle out of his mouth. But...the kid is tuff. Didn't even cry and then did it again right after I hugged him and made sure he was ok. I did hug him people...please don't call me a bad Mommy. I think I was just shocked he fell. I had a very very delayed reaction.
So...what happens to a 3 year old who drinks a lot of water (medicine giver him dry mouth at night) and coughs all night?
ding ding ding
Mommy and Daddy wake up with pee all over us and the bed. Thank you Aidan. I wanted nothing more to be woken up at 3am to combat pee. That is the second time I used the word "combat". Must really like that word today. Poor kid..he never has a problem holding out through the night and/or wake us up to use the bathroom. I think with all the coughing it was just too difficult. Mason will be kind enough to share one of his diapers for Aidan tonight :)
We still sent Aidan to daycare this morning. He wanted to take his Pillow Pet with him. I think it was comfort for him. It is a dog Pillow Pet. He named the dog "E". Joe thinks it's funny. Doggie named "E". HAHA ..yeah it's pretty funny. We have a deer in the backyard named Beer. We have a Pillow Pet doggie named "E". We really need to work on expanding his vocabulary. So he was dragging that dog around with him all morning. Somewhere in between my 5th and 7th visit to the car to try and leave he left it in the house :(. We didn't know until we got him to school. I felt so bad for him. He was devastated. He didn't cry though..just looked really sad. He wanted that doggie named "E" to sleep with at nap time. I felt so bad :(
So what does Mommy do you may ask? What do you think? I went to my usual A1 Mart across the street to get my giant redbull. This place has everything from Nationals Hats to Silly Bands. Sure enough they had PILLOW PETS. It was like the skies parted and there they were on a shelf. I quickly bought the monkey and ran back over to Aidan's school to give to him. He was so cute. Aidan isn't the kind of kid who jumps up and down with excitement. He holds it in..kinda shy of him. He almost looks in shock..deer in the headlights when he gets a present. I wonder what he thinks in his head? Either way..he was very happy. Anything to help him get through the day. He had a ruff night too....I hope he remembers moments like these. His Mommy cares about him and wants him to be happy :)
This is our doggie named "E".
A few more from the weekend....
We hung cute snowflakes on our window...Right next to the pumpkins that are still sitting on our porch. Mason wasted now time pulling them down. Then he proceeded to lick the window and eat the snowflakes.
This is what happens within 5 minutes of the Perkins boys coming into the living room. UGH |
Someone please come take the leaves...They are taking over our walkway..ahhhhhh |
Aidan got a little fresh air. Please send hate mail for the messy garage to my husband. |
I took the below video about a month ago and have been debating on posting it for a few reasons (it kinda makes me look bad because of my delayed reaction). First note that the kid is a climber..before a walker he was a climber so I was trying to capture that in a video. I can't figure out how to get the video right side up so just tilt your head. Watch this first one and then read below. (pause my music at the bottom of the page first so you can hear)
Ok....I am not sure why I didn't to him (I did when I turned the camera off by the way). Also..why am I so far away. I should be right there next to him just in case he fell. Also note..Aidan freaks out but not enough to keep that Popsicle out of his mouth. But...the kid is tuff. Didn't even cry and then did it again right after I hugged him and made sure he was ok. I did hug him people...please don't call me a bad Mommy. I think I was just shocked he fell. I had a very very delayed reaction.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Playing with photos....ok..when I have time cause right now as I upload this photo I have a three year old screaming is butt off because he spilled a milkshake on my white couch..didn't say sorry..proceeded to turn on and off the light when we told him not to and then freak out cause we turned the channel after 3 hours of Nick Jr. Yes that three year old above. oh my goooooooooodness
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
In a funk...
I haven't felt very blogalishis lately. I am officially in a funk. A funknasty funk. The kinda funk that needs serious intervention kinda funk. I think my funkness is rubbing onto my kids cause they are funky.
Ok that was cheesy...but I am sure I got a laugh out of you.
This time of year is supposed to be filled with family and happiness. However, for me is it stressful. Work is busier, school finals are in progress and kid's Christmas lists are getting longer. Not to mention a 4 year old bday party with high expectations. Mom's carry a large load of the stress this time of the year. Sorry Dads..but we do. For example, when my brother in law calls Joe to find out what his son (my stepson) wants for Christmas, Joe's exact words are "Call AJ". See....stress.
Yesterday I was in the target parking lot. I was in a parking spot just staring. Frozen in my thoughts. Finally Aidan yelled, "ARE WE GOING IN???" Maybe it's Seasonal Affective Disorder. Maybe it is PST from the Redskin's lost to the Eagles. Maybe it's the fact that both fantasy football teams are playing like a JV team. Oh I need to get out of the funk before it becomes permanent.
I should look at the below picture and say.."oh look how pretty those leaves are...the kids and I can play in them this weekend." But in reality I think this, "We are the only ones with leaves in our yard, I wish Joe would hurry up and rake them, get rid of the pumpkins still sitting on our porch and clean out the garage".
Ok that was cheesy...but I am sure I got a laugh out of you.
This time of year is supposed to be filled with family and happiness. However, for me is it stressful. Work is busier, school finals are in progress and kid's Christmas lists are getting longer. Not to mention a 4 year old bday party with high expectations. Mom's carry a large load of the stress this time of the year. Sorry Dads..but we do. For example, when my brother in law calls Joe to find out what his son (my stepson) wants for Christmas, Joe's exact words are "Call AJ". See....stress.
Yesterday I was in the target parking lot. I was in a parking spot just staring. Frozen in my thoughts. Finally Aidan yelled, "ARE WE GOING IN???" Maybe it's Seasonal Affective Disorder. Maybe it is PST from the Redskin's lost to the Eagles. Maybe it's the fact that both fantasy football teams are playing like a JV team. Oh I need to get out of the funk before it becomes permanent.
I should look at the below picture and say.."oh look how pretty those leaves are...the kids and I can play in them this weekend." But in reality I think this, "We are the only ones with leaves in our yard, I wish Joe would hurry up and rake them, get rid of the pumpkins still sitting on our porch and clean out the garage".
The kid's have been extra grumpy lately. Mason refuses to have anything to do with diaper changes getting dressed. He gets in this mood where he will just grip on to something. Yesterday morning he screamed for a good 20 minutes clinging onto his toothbrush. You could not pull that sucker out of his hands if you tried. He ended up at daycare with his toothbrush. He does it with sippy cups too. When he wants a real bottle..and you give him a sippy cup. He clings onto the sippy cup and screams. He can go for hours if you let him. We are trying soy milk because his tummy doesn't like regular milk. So now..I am watching everything he does to see how he reacts to soy. Every cry..every time he gets angry..I wonder, "Is that the soy milk?"
Aidan..oh Aidan. He has been slightly annoying lately. He threw a fit the other morning because I gave him a strawberry uncrustable (pb&j see example to the left) instead of grape. How dare I do that. Now...I give him both and have him pick. We walk into Target and I ask him if he wants to sit in the cart? He doesn't say a word so I put Mason in there. Bad idea Mommy. We went to Joey's football banquet and Aidan screamed bloody murder because a little girl took his seat..the seat he had next to his new girlfriend. The kid is drama. He likes things his way and his way only. He is starting to raise his voice, annoy his brother and make a ton of messes. What happened to my angel child?
So in my attempt to get out of the funk I decided to buy rain boots for Aidan. It was rainy yesterday although it is not rainy today so he couldn't wear them :( We tested the boots out in the bath tub. We walked by these green boots and I kept walking thinking they weren't going to fit him. I found some cute fireman ones and he turned into my usual Aidan. He stood there with that grumpy look on his face. I said "What is wrong Aidan..use your words" and he just stood there sulking. I knew why..he wanted the green ones. But he wont tell me..he just gets that look on his face and stops dead in his tracks. USE YOUR WORDS. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT.
Aidan won..
On a positive note..we have been pull up free during the night for a week now. :)
ok..I need to get out of this funk..and I need help. Husband if you are reading this (and I bet money you are not) me get out of the funk before it spreads to you!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
My two cents
Awesome photos by Lisa Shafer Photography
I have been watching 16 And Pregnant (MTV show) since it started..seen every episode. It causes quite the debate in our house. You may laugh when I tell you it has caused a few arguments between Joe and I. Joe is always arguing for the 16 year old Dad and I am for the 16 year old Mom. I think his past may play a role in his strict beliefs when it comes to co-parenting. Then again..the guy just likes to debate. Here are my two cents on the show.
The last episode featured these two young kids as they all do..and during the show I would sit back in shock at how young these kids are. I am amazed. this last episode both 16 year olds were good students. They got goods grades and were on track to go to college and do even greater things. The girl got pregnant, kicked out of her Mom's house...moved in an hour from her boyfriend with her dad. She was then kicked out of the school at her Dad's house even though she was getting good grades. They said it was because of missed days..but I am sure there was "more" to it. the 16 year old father stayed in school..worked..enjoyed time with his friends and was accepted with a scholarship to college. The baby was born and the 16 year old Mom was of course left to take care of the baby by herself while the 16 year old father got to continue with his life and goals. Does that seem fair? I mean they both made the baby together. Joe's opinion was that you can't fought the 16 year old father because he was trying to get an education to provide for his family. Are you kidding me?? You really think that is on the mind of the 16 year old father. He is going to go to college...enjoy life to the fullest...get an education and realize that he does not want to be with the 16 year old mother anymore. She stayed home to take care of the kid, which all 16 year old Dad's don't realize how difficult it is. she wasn't able to pursue "her goals" but he did. Both parents made the kid...but the man gets to go to college while the woman stays home. How is that fair? It just makes me so mad. I feel for these young girls. I usually end up crying during the episode. Ok I cry a lot during the episodes.
This brings me to my next point. Most will watch these shows and say, "oh gosh I am glad I don't have a girl." Yes...I am happy I have two boys. I won't have to worry about my daughter getting pregnant at such a young age..but I have two boys. I am terrified my son will be one of "those" boys. The ones you see on 16 and pregnant. The ones who cheat on their pregnant girlfriends. The ones who don't take responsibility for their kid. That terrifies me. I asked Joe last night if he was afraid one of our boys would lack responsibility if put in the situation like the kids on 16 And Pregnant. Joe's response was typical, "I wouldn't let them." But at 16, do you really think our kids will listen to us. Doubt it...some of these dads on 16 and pregnant have parents who try real hard and who are upset at how their son's are acting. They seem to have a normal home life. So...can we really control how they will take responsibility at 16?
The show upsets me. I feel so bad for these's like they lost that flicker of hope. Ugh.
I hope you are responsible kids when you get older. I hope you treat women with respect. I hope you don't cheat..I hope you love life...I hope you take responsibility. Enough said.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Brand Loyalty
Attention Attention...I am not this shallow...I think I have 1% shallow in here is the 1%
brand loyalty....I got it. It is bad. Coke over Pepsi, Kellogg over store brand, Gap over Target. I have a very hard time convincing myself Kohls is just as good as Baby Gap / The Limited or JC Penny shoes are just as good as Nine West. Nope..can't do it. The funny thing is, I know I have this problem. I should buy store brand or lower priced clothes....just can't do it...just can't. I work hard..I should be able to buy what I want right? I also justify by telling myself they will be hand me downs so every time I buy something for Aidan I divide it by 2. Ok...yes the financial analyst is coming out in me. I can't even shop on sales racks. They are just too messy and you need patience to sit there shifting through extra larges trying to find smalls...seriously...there are not that many small people out there. I have come to the conclusion that small people buy smalls and large people buy smalls so there are no smalls left.
This weekend I went shopping :). There is something about shopping without husband and kids that can really fuel me. I don't go much..once a season. It was awesome. I started in Baby Gap. was worried they were too expensive so worked my way over to The Children's Place only to realize the quality just isn't the same. So I made my way back to Baby Gap. yes much better...I can breathe in Baby Gap. I went crazy...I don't even look at prices because I know how much everything cost. I just grab and grab from one side of the store to the next. Then get to the counter only to find out EVERYTHING was 40% off. just made my day so much I did it again at Baby Gap Outlet the next day. Did the same thing..only I spent more money at the outlet. Something sounds wrong about that...
Oh...I didn't forget me. It was tough. I did a lot of soul searching and made phone calls to my bestest Katie. But I did it. I bought myself 3 tops and 2 pairs of shoes. I ROCK!
Pictures of my weekend....
Mason on the Go...
brand loyalty....I got it. It is bad. Coke over Pepsi, Kellogg over store brand, Gap over Target. I have a very hard time convincing myself Kohls is just as good as Baby Gap / The Limited or JC Penny shoes are just as good as Nine West. Nope..can't do it. The funny thing is, I know I have this problem. I should buy store brand or lower priced clothes....just can't do it...just can't. I work hard..I should be able to buy what I want right? I also justify by telling myself they will be hand me downs so every time I buy something for Aidan I divide it by 2. Ok...yes the financial analyst is coming out in me. I can't even shop on sales racks. They are just too messy and you need patience to sit there shifting through extra larges trying to find smalls...seriously...there are not that many small people out there. I have come to the conclusion that small people buy smalls and large people buy smalls so there are no smalls left.
I admit it..I am even shallow enough to look at other kids clothes and judge them. Seriously 28 year old working mother of 2 judging these kids because they buy clothes I wouldn't. Shallow are we??? I am working on this problem. Growing up my Mom didn't dress us as "cool" as I would like to think and maybe that is why I am the way I am. I don't go crazy or anything.....I'll give an example. Target jeans $12...cant do it...I will buy the baby gap jeans for $24.99. See..not too bad. I am not shopping at Neiman Marcus or anything. And that's not to say my kids don't have "some" off brand clothes in their wardrobe. I do take hand me downs...on occasion. Again...working on it. I don't want my kids growing up thinking clothes define you or they have to dress a certain way to be cool. I just don't want them being made fun of. I seriously need to go to church or seek help for this...I know whatever. Enough of my rant....
This weekend I went shopping :). There is something about shopping without husband and kids that can really fuel me. I don't go much..once a season. It was awesome. I started in Baby Gap. was worried they were too expensive so worked my way over to The Children's Place only to realize the quality just isn't the same. So I made my way back to Baby Gap. yes much better...I can breathe in Baby Gap. I went crazy...I don't even look at prices because I know how much everything cost. I just grab and grab from one side of the store to the next. Then get to the counter only to find out EVERYTHING was 40% off. just made my day so much I did it again at Baby Gap Outlet the next day. Did the same thing..only I spent more money at the outlet. Something sounds wrong about that...
Oh...I didn't forget me. It was tough. I did a lot of soul searching and made phone calls to my bestest Katie. But I did it. I bought myself 3 tops and 2 pairs of shoes. I ROCK!
Pictures of my weekend....
Be Jealous..this is my backyard...Taking donations for a new deck... |
Seriously this kid is non stop..I followed him on his adventure. He tried to climb the stool..peaked in a toy box and then went on his way. Walking zombie style wobbling through the house.
Don't fall....don't fall |
Re-gained balance..wohoo |
Destination...Cartoons. |
Yes..he is a boy..and he copies everything we do. |
Stop Taking My Picture Mommy |
Bye Bye |
Thursday, November 4, 2010
To take to the doctors or to not take to the doctors......
It starts with a runny nose....cough....diarrhea...clingy
I hate it. I hate when one of my boys gets sick. You never know if it is worthy of a doctor visit. You know what will happen because you have done it before. You take them in to see the doctor convinced your child has this rare disease and brace yourself for worst case scenario. The diagnosis ALWAYS sounds like this, "it's a virus..let it take its course" or "he has only had diarrhea for 5 days, call back if it has been 10 days" or "he only has 4-6 diarrhea diapers a back when it is 10 a day". The Doctor is probably thinking, this Mom is nuts! You get that feeling in your tummy...the Mommy feeling where you don't know what to do. Is it something more than just a cold? He isn't himself? Should I stay home from work? What is wrong with him? I hate that feeling. I seriously hate it. I am just afraid I will miss something..what if he has something more serious and this is his way of trying to warn us. I know..I am being dramatic...he just has a runny nose and cough and slight fever. Oh and having problems drinking milk. And I always feel like one of my kids is sick. I am always going to the doctor. Antibiotics is flowing in my house!
So Mason has an ear infection...poor guy..and looks to be a sinus infection. But he is still oh so cute. Look at that dimple Jenny (left can kinda see it)!!!
So Aidan the other day said the funniest thing. We walked by the squash at the grocery store and he says, "look Mommy a big peanut!" No Aidan it was squash...well I think it was squash. haha
I hate it. I hate when one of my boys gets sick. You never know if it is worthy of a doctor visit. You know what will happen because you have done it before. You take them in to see the doctor convinced your child has this rare disease and brace yourself for worst case scenario. The diagnosis ALWAYS sounds like this, "it's a virus..let it take its course" or "he has only had diarrhea for 5 days, call back if it has been 10 days" or "he only has 4-6 diarrhea diapers a back when it is 10 a day". The Doctor is probably thinking, this Mom is nuts! You get that feeling in your tummy...the Mommy feeling where you don't know what to do. Is it something more than just a cold? He isn't himself? Should I stay home from work? What is wrong with him? I hate that feeling. I seriously hate it. I am just afraid I will miss something..what if he has something more serious and this is his way of trying to warn us. I know..I am being dramatic...he just has a runny nose and cough and slight fever. Oh and having problems drinking milk. And I always feel like one of my kids is sick. I am always going to the doctor. Antibiotics is flowing in my house!
So Mason has an ear infection...poor guy..and looks to be a sinus infection. But he is still oh so cute. Look at that dimple Jenny (left can kinda see it)!!!
![]() |
Poor Baby after Doctor can see it in his eyes he doesn't feel well :( |
So Aidan the other day said the funniest thing. We walked by the squash at the grocery store and he says, "look Mommy a big peanut!" No Aidan it was squash...well I think it was squash. haha
He also told me while laying in bed the other day "Mommy I don't like you go away". I wasn't sure if I should cry, yell, go away or what to do. I knew why he said it. I think another little boy says it a lot at school. Also, he wanted to watch his cartoon and while I was in the room that was not going to happen. It was his bed time crazy boy. I ended up telling him that he hurt my feelings and not to say those things. Parenthood...ikes.
Monday, November 1, 2010
October 31st
Because I have fallen victim to the ploy to get adults to pay for online graduate school with the hopes it will further their career, I spent the weekend writing 2 research papers, 1 group project, 2 homework questions, 6 discussion questions and some other hoopla. Mother of the year right here!!!
My boys were neglected this weekend. I use that word a lot. Neglected! I think I am going to stop using that word. Let me try this. My kids spent the weekend indoors and played with educational toys. Ok..much better.
Aidan spent the weekend on the computer. My 3 year old was on the computer so much he complained his back was hurting. Nothing a pillow pet couldn't fix. We bought him the dog one. He wanted the purple unicorn but I told him it was for girls. Joe shocked me in the middle of the store and said, "well if he wants it just get it, who cares". This is the same guy who freaked out because Aidan wanted to be a cat for Halloween. I think he just wanted to disagree with me..shocker...because if Aidan does or wants ANYTHING "girl" like, Joe freaks out. Should I have let him get the purple unicorn? Am I not letting him make decisions for himself? Ah nuts....who's just a pillow pet. I let him wear whichever shoes he wants in the morning. I even let him pick out his own veggies for dinner. He makes tons of choices...but the purple unicorn doesn't go with his sports room.
Notice DOG pillow pet behind Aidan |
I guess you can tell who we voted for here |
Not sure what is on the tv in this shot |
So Sunday was here before you knew it. Aidan talked about being spiderman for an entire month before Sunday. He wore his costume at school on Friday. After..he informed me he wanted to be a cat and he got it in his head he no longer wanted to be spiderman. There were a few little girls at school dressed up as cats. I thought he would get over it and once Sunday came and he would be excited to wear spiderman..NOPE. He told me it was stinky. (the mask was stinky..I tried it on and then tried to put toothpaste in it to make it smell better..i know..toothpaste??? but he is allergic to perfumes and stuff) Anyway..after crying for 45 minutes about it.we finally settled for a saints football player. It worked out because the Saints were on last night and WON..thank goodness cause hubby would have been cranky if they lost.
Mason was a cute green dragon. |
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