
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Marathon Runner

I have not been real blogalishis lately.  After reading some of my favs Sarah and Kelle realizing their messages are so "me" right now.  Making it happen no matter what.  No matter how you feel..just winging it. 

Last night my husband walks in at about 7:30 and he is wondering why Nick Jr is on tv.  Aidan is in the other room and Mason is eating (no kids are watching tv yet it's on the tv).  I looked at him and say, "I feel like I ran a marathon".  It's non stop from 5pm to 10pm.  NON STOP.  I was too tired to get up and change the channel, still in work clothes, dinner cooked, kids bathed, kids fed, kids are ok, kids are happy but Momma not so much.  I rush home to get the kids on time every day, walk in the house to immediate shoes flying, kids hungry, Mason climbing up my leg while I am trying to cook.  I can't even do the dishes because if I try you will hear this from me, "Mason put down the knife." 

I just want to come home, throw some comfy clothes on and sit in front of the tv and do NOTHING.  I hate long distance running.  I have absolutely no endurance.  So why do I have to run this marathon every day? 

This type of complaining you read above isn't complaining about being a Mommy, its complaining about running that marathon.  If I had more time to run that marathon, I think I would be less cup half empty kinda gal. 

If I had laundry done, clean house, homework done, caught up at work, clean car, clean kids..would I be cup half full kinda gal...I wonder.  But not sure if I will ever know.  I think this is my way of saying, "Husband, can I bet a stay at home Mom?"  I have baseboards to clean, baby items to sell on craigslist, light bulbs to change, fireplaces to clean, garages to clean, painting to get done, pictures to print/frame/hang. 

Ok...see this is why I haven't blogged in a while.  I am so negative.  Nothing cute to say.  All complaining.  It must be hump day. is..Wednesday.  I bet Friday you will get a cute post out of me.  Stay tuned!

Look who likes to stack his snacks!  He also likes to help me clean.  He is a keeper.


1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! I'm totally amazed by everything you do. Love, Lauren
