So if you know how to get that thing off my blog where if I type a word and it shows it as a link..please let me know..thank you. It's driving me bonkers. Mmmmm bonkers...I used to love those things!
So fantasy football has consumed our home this year. Sundays are madness. We rush to get everything done by the 1pm game. Plug in our fantasy team for the week on the tv so we are able to see updates. Have both laptops out and on the yahoo page to see instant updates. Trash talking takes place via text message. "I should have done this" or "is so and so playing"..."I need the computer to update my team"..."who should I start Big Ben or Orton". Our poor neglected children. They get replaced with fantasy players.
It is so bad that when DeAngelo Hall made those 4 interceptions on Sunday I wasn't thinking "Yay for the Redskins" (MY TEAM) or "Go Hokies" (where him and I went to college)..I thought to myself, "man I wonder who has him on their fantasy team", or "I should pick up Redskins D for my fantasy".
Also, I don't associate players to teams anymore. I couldn't tell you who Roddy White plays for. I look at his stats all the time. I see who he is playing. I just don't pay attention to the team. I pay attention to his fantasy stats. If he has a bad game I am personal with it. I hold a grudge against him like I know him. Like he cheated on me. Also, if a player has a good game I think their team must have won. Then later realize that their team was beat bad...real bad.
We are anti-Cowboys in my home. Myself being a Redskin fan and my husband being a Saints fan and having to deal with all the trash talking from the overrated, overoptimistic Cowboy fans. The other day I actually backed out of a parking spot at work and parked somewhere else to avoid parking behind a truck with a Cowboy sticker. However when Tony Romo went down the other day it wasn't cheers. It was holly crap he was my QB for fantasy.
I am starting to associate every day life with fantasy as well. I am taking a behavioral finance class for my masters. One discussion topic was about a behavior bias managers have with being overoptimistic because of past performance. I actually responded to the class and referred to fantasy football. How one player can do so well one week, Dexter Muccluster, so you start them because you are so confident in their abilities. Another one, Roy Williams and don't forget Ocho. However the following week you get a 0 point game. Just ruins my weekend!
Also, I think fantasy football has destroyed my marriage. He actually went to bed angry last night. I would rather trade him Orton for a so so running back than Big Ben. He seriously got mad at me. I am losing in that league, and have only 1 good player. He is winning with like 4 top 25 players. He gets mad at ME. He was seriously giving me the silent treatment and would say smart comments under his breather. Up until I started snoring. Honest to God....over trading players in fantasy football.
In take on fantasy is it's a little skill and a LOT of luck. No one could have predicted Shonn Greene to become the second string RB or Romo breaking some bone. No one could have predicted Orton to be as good as he is or the Saints as bad as they are. Sorry husband..but they are not looking too good. I hope Reggie can do something this weekend because I am starting him at RB. See...all I think about is fantasy. Next year though...I am going to forbid myself from playing against my husband. I would rather have him on my team then play against him.
Nuff Said...
not sure where I copied this photo.....hope I don't get in trouble for using other people's photos. not like they are reading some chick's blog. i think I am safe.
MY BLOG! A way for me to have a new gal pal. Share stories about my family, vent about the little things that bother me and brag about the good.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Summers Farm
So I started this blog post off thinking I was going to go to this website photobucket and make a cute little collage of my weekend adventure to the pumpkin patch. However, that website is not so friendly to those with ADD. I couldn't get the collage function to work. Was sidetracked by cool colors, boarders, links, shapes and sizes. By the picture 5, I realized I had a only a few pictures with no cohesiveness. Some with boarders, some with cool colors. You will see below. No flow at all..just random pictures from my weekend. I probably could have been a little more neat and creative if I had more than 3 hours of sleep last night. Dear Mason, "please oh please stop waking up in the middle of the night screaming because you are 15 months old and must have a bottle, Momma is oh so tired and holding out from 2am to 5am was not worth it because you won anyway!" <insert hate comments now about how I gave into my screaming baby with a bottle in the middle of the night>
So the trip started out with a huge group of us piling into three cars and making our way to an overly crowded pumpkin patch. But ya's not just a pumpkin patch..its a maze, slide, petting farm, big rocking chair, hay ride, pile of corn funland. I knew the adults were going to be tired and the kids were going to be spoiled but it was all so worth. Aidan wished Grandma goodbye later that night and said "you come again and we go to pumpkin patch..ok bye." So worth it. I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Again...sorry for the random special affects I was too lazy to finish. :)
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Look at how how many kids we crammed in our Jeep. Collin was like, "Woh this truck is cool". Notice with Joey that the sugarfest started before we even got there! |
The kids decided to stand while going down the slide. |
We noticed a sign later, "No Standing While Going Down Slides" |
Now we couldn't travel all the way to a pumpkin patch and spend $9 a person getting in, buy candy soda and pumpkins, oh and not to mention miss Hokie Football without having one "Aidan Moment." See above grumpy face picture to the right.
Now these next pictures may be deceiving because they looked like everyone went into the corn maze together and you would assume everyone would come out together. Negative. Everyone ran in, ran in different directions and somewhere 2 went missing. 1 came out...10 minutes later the other came out crying.
I think that is Sarah dancing and Tina in the back sulking because she didnt ride with Jazmine...geesh |
Aidan in the blue shirt corner..having trouble in the beginning |
Thanks to Sarah for helping |
Common theme here???????
Obviously the end of the trip we did the hay ride..notice my hair. No that's not the wind..its because it's the end of the day. |
Can't forget Chase...Happy 5th Bday CHASE. You deserved this adventure living with 3 sisters!
The End
Friday, October 22, 2010
Oh Joe
This is what I came home to the other night...
Something look wrong here? Ignore the fact that he does not match at all. I know he is going to bed so I will ignore that. His actually Mason's shirt. His 15 month old brother's shirt. Oh Joe! I have to leave room for no questions or choices when it comes to my boys and Joe...their DAD. I put clothes out every morning for them. When he puts away their clothes...I have to go behind him and take clothes out of Aidan's room and put in Joey's room..and take clothes out of Mason's room and put in Aidan's. Yes..he is that clueless! For over 3 years Aidan has been using the same shampoo and body wash because he has skin problems. On many occasions I find Joe using the wrong soap. Or I tell him not to use the bath toys because I need to wash them in bleach. I walk in the bathroom the next day with toys scattered all around the bath tub. "I didn't do it!" First deny..then get angry..and maybe she will stop asking me. He takes that approach. But I still love the man..he tries and I am glad he gets Aidan dressed at all. I am glad he gives them a bath at all. Just wish he would pay more attention..oh well..that's what I am put on the earth for :)
Something look wrong here? Ignore the fact that he does not match at all. I know he is going to bed so I will ignore that. His actually Mason's shirt. His 15 month old brother's shirt. Oh Joe! I have to leave room for no questions or choices when it comes to my boys and Joe...their DAD. I put clothes out every morning for them. When he puts away their clothes...I have to go behind him and take clothes out of Aidan's room and put in Joey's room..and take clothes out of Mason's room and put in Aidan's. Yes..he is that clueless! For over 3 years Aidan has been using the same shampoo and body wash because he has skin problems. On many occasions I find Joe using the wrong soap. Or I tell him not to use the bath toys because I need to wash them in bleach. I walk in the bathroom the next day with toys scattered all around the bath tub. "I didn't do it!" First deny..then get angry..and maybe she will stop asking me. He takes that approach. But I still love the man..he tries and I am glad he gets Aidan dressed at all. I am glad he gives them a bath at all. Just wish he would pay more attention..oh well..that's what I am put on the earth for :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Mason oh Mase
Do you ever feel like you just can't get caught up?
You are always late, always rushing in the morning to find clothes that are piles around the house praying that something is clean that can be thrown in the dryer to de-wrinkle only to realize later that it backfired and now you are covered in lint from the towel that was already in the dryer. As you are running out the door, you realize you left your check book. You then realize after getting your checkbook and sitting back in the car that you left something else and then it's something else. Then you take a second to look in the mirror to then realize you have snot on your shoulder from your 1 year old and your hair looks like a frazzled mess and you are wearing open toe shoes in the fall because all your winter shoes have the heal shooting through that cheap crap they put on the heal of $60 shoes and then you are reminded of how busy you are and you cant even find time to buy new shoes.
yeah that's me this morning..and yesterday..and the day before and the day before.
Mason has had an adventure lately. A hair raising adventure that is. I have been losing my mind and Mason has hair issues. It started over 2 weeks ago. I noticed after Aidan's barber coated Mason's hair with this Jamaican gunk that he swore would help the curls, that he had white stuff in his hair. I attributed it to the Jamaican gunk. Joe noticed him scratching his head. DING DING DING. He has lice. How did my son get lice??????????????? So disgusting. Go ahead and call social services on me now. That is just nastiness. No one else had it. I am sure I head is itching has I type this. Anyway...the only lice shampoo for kids under two was purchased. 3 shampoo treatments..many nights of sitting him in the sink pulling at his curls with him SCREAMING, head red, jerking, yelling trying to get every nit out. Changed his sheets about 25 times. Stuffed animals hidden in bags in closets. Hair brushes thrown away. You name it we did it. WITH NO LUCK! Couldn't kill the damn things. Saturday morning woke up and saw him "scratch". That was it. I lost it. I was one of those loony moms running around after waking up in an over sized t-shirt, hair a mess, yuck mouth, gooky eyes kinda look. I sat him in the sink and pulled out the clippers and butchered his hair. If the lice would not die I would kill their home. So I did...I killed the curls. "Not nice mommy" as Aidan would say. See before and after below...eeek
Mason also had his 15 month checkup. I arrived 10 minutes late and the mom behind me walked in and she arrived 15 minutes early. UGH! I am standing at the counter with messy faced kids, messy faced mommy, snot on shoulder, lint on shirt, hair a mess and she looks prim and proper with her dainty little girl. UGH. I am late..get over it. So...the doc of course made me feel guilty for Mason being on the bottle. Thanks doc! Do you have kids? She also took one look at Mason and said, "he is a climber isnt he?" How the heck did she know? She said usually the smalls ones are. After telling me this she proceeded to tell me not one, not two, but FOUR times that I really need to watch him because he is a climber. Lady, do I look like I dont watch my kid or something? Was she trying to tell me I was a bad Mom? Whatever...go ahead and assume I am a bad mom and look at me crazy when I also second guess giving him a flu shot. Yes..not ALL moms give kid's flu shots so stop assuming that Lady. Anyway..Mason is healthy. He is skinny, average height with a big head. 10th percentile weight, 50th percentile heigh and 90th percentile head. I wonder where he get's the big head from? um...JOE
You are always late, always rushing in the morning to find clothes that are piles around the house praying that something is clean that can be thrown in the dryer to de-wrinkle only to realize later that it backfired and now you are covered in lint from the towel that was already in the dryer. As you are running out the door, you realize you left your check book. You then realize after getting your checkbook and sitting back in the car that you left something else and then it's something else. Then you take a second to look in the mirror to then realize you have snot on your shoulder from your 1 year old and your hair looks like a frazzled mess and you are wearing open toe shoes in the fall because all your winter shoes have the heal shooting through that cheap crap they put on the heal of $60 shoes and then you are reminded of how busy you are and you cant even find time to buy new shoes.
yeah that's me this morning..and yesterday..and the day before and the day before.
Mason has had an adventure lately. A hair raising adventure that is. I have been losing my mind and Mason has hair issues. It started over 2 weeks ago. I noticed after Aidan's barber coated Mason's hair with this Jamaican gunk that he swore would help the curls, that he had white stuff in his hair. I attributed it to the Jamaican gunk. Joe noticed him scratching his head. DING DING DING. He has lice. How did my son get lice??????????????? So disgusting. Go ahead and call social services on me now. That is just nastiness. No one else had it. I am sure I head is itching has I type this. Anyway...the only lice shampoo for kids under two was purchased. 3 shampoo treatments..many nights of sitting him in the sink pulling at his curls with him SCREAMING, head red, jerking, yelling trying to get every nit out. Changed his sheets about 25 times. Stuffed animals hidden in bags in closets. Hair brushes thrown away. You name it we did it. WITH NO LUCK! Couldn't kill the damn things. Saturday morning woke up and saw him "scratch". That was it. I lost it. I was one of those loony moms running around after waking up in an over sized t-shirt, hair a mess, yuck mouth, gooky eyes kinda look. I sat him in the sink and pulled out the clippers and butchered his hair. If the lice would not die I would kill their home. So I did...I killed the curls. "Not nice mommy" as Aidan would say. See before and after below...eeek
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Mason also had his 15 month checkup. I arrived 10 minutes late and the mom behind me walked in and she arrived 15 minutes early. UGH! I am standing at the counter with messy faced kids, messy faced mommy, snot on shoulder, lint on shirt, hair a mess and she looks prim and proper with her dainty little girl. UGH. I am late..get over it. So...the doc of course made me feel guilty for Mason being on the bottle. Thanks doc! Do you have kids? She also took one look at Mason and said, "he is a climber isnt he?" How the heck did she know? She said usually the smalls ones are. After telling me this she proceeded to tell me not one, not two, but FOUR times that I really need to watch him because he is a climber. Lady, do I look like I dont watch my kid or something? Was she trying to tell me I was a bad Mom? Whatever...go ahead and assume I am a bad mom and look at me crazy when I also second guess giving him a flu shot. Yes..not ALL moms give kid's flu shots so stop assuming that Lady. Anyway..Mason is healthy. He is skinny, average height with a big head. 10th percentile weight, 50th percentile heigh and 90th percentile head. I wonder where he get's the big head from? um...JOE
Aidan wanted me to take his picture. He is posing here with his PB&J in his hand. Too Funny |
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Feeding Time
rain rain go away..come again another day.
I dislike the rain. I do however love that blind melon song "no rain" awesomeness.
He has the same love for sweets like his soon as Joe opens the freezer or grabs anything with
I dislike the rain. I do however love that blind melon song "no rain" awesomeness.
I was going through some pictures and saw some of Mason eating..a lot of him eating. I am thinking to myself.."damn this boy likes to eat". Aidan was completely different as a toddler. He wouldn't eat much at all. He stuck to the basics of mashed potatoes and blueberries. Mason however will eat anything and everything. As long as it's not veggies. For a while he didn't like the texture of food so he wouldn't eat at all. He is getting better and if you assist him with a fork he will go to town. However with the fork (used by his left hand :) future baseball lefty in the works) he has to take the fork of food, touch the tray with it and then put it in his mouth. It's his routine.
Lately he acts like he doesn't want to we take him out of his high chair and he eats from outside the high chair. Climbs up the darn thing and pulls his food off the tray to eat.
Yes his chair is dirty..he has a cute cover to go on but he is a messy kid so the cover has been in the laundry room for months. I will get to it some day.... |
He has the same love for sweets like his soon as Joe opens the freezer or grabs anything with
sugar..the boy sprint crawls to Joe and climbs up his leg for some yummies. Both Mason and Aidan swarm around and Joe has to go from mouth to mouth feeding these little birdies. It is hilarious.. I don't mind because it gives me alone time to eat without kids trying to take bites of my food. Mason has got it in his head that Mommy's food doesn't taste as good as Daddy food. I don't eat sweets like Daddy..I like to keep my tiny figure thank you very much.
This weekend I am excited to go through my step son's old clothes and put in Aidan's room..go through Aidan's old clothes and put in Mason's room and go through Mason's old clothes to give to my cousin. So many many many hand me downs. I love kid's's definitely a hobby of mine and look forward to this weekend. I am a dork..yes I am.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Marathon Runner
I have not been real blogalishis lately. After reading some of my favs Sarah and Kelle realizing their messages are so "me" right now. Making it happen no matter what. No matter how you feel..just winging it.
Last night my husband walks in at about 7:30 and he is wondering why Nick Jr is on tv. Aidan is in the other room and Mason is eating (no kids are watching tv yet it's on the tv). I looked at him and say, "I feel like I ran a marathon". It's non stop from 5pm to 10pm. NON STOP. I was too tired to get up and change the channel, still in work clothes, dinner cooked, kids bathed, kids fed, kids are ok, kids are happy but Momma not so much. I rush home to get the kids on time every day, walk in the house to immediate shoes flying, kids hungry, Mason climbing up my leg while I am trying to cook. I can't even do the dishes because if I try you will hear this from me, "Mason put down the knife."
I just want to come home, throw some comfy clothes on and sit in front of the tv and do NOTHING. I hate long distance running. I have absolutely no endurance. So why do I have to run this marathon every day?
This type of complaining you read above isn't complaining about being a Mommy, its complaining about running that marathon. If I had more time to run that marathon, I think I would be less cup half empty kinda gal.
If I had laundry done, clean house, homework done, caught up at work, clean car, clean kids..would I be cup half full kinda gal...I wonder. But not sure if I will ever know. I think this is my way of saying, "Husband, can I bet a stay at home Mom?" I have baseboards to clean, baby items to sell on craigslist, light bulbs to change, fireplaces to clean, garages to clean, painting to get done, pictures to print/frame/hang.
Ok...see this is why I haven't blogged in a while. I am so negative. Nothing cute to say. All complaining. It must be hump day. is..Wednesday. I bet Friday you will get a cute post out of me. Stay tuned!
Last night my husband walks in at about 7:30 and he is wondering why Nick Jr is on tv. Aidan is in the other room and Mason is eating (no kids are watching tv yet it's on the tv). I looked at him and say, "I feel like I ran a marathon". It's non stop from 5pm to 10pm. NON STOP. I was too tired to get up and change the channel, still in work clothes, dinner cooked, kids bathed, kids fed, kids are ok, kids are happy but Momma not so much. I rush home to get the kids on time every day, walk in the house to immediate shoes flying, kids hungry, Mason climbing up my leg while I am trying to cook. I can't even do the dishes because if I try you will hear this from me, "Mason put down the knife."
I just want to come home, throw some comfy clothes on and sit in front of the tv and do NOTHING. I hate long distance running. I have absolutely no endurance. So why do I have to run this marathon every day?
This type of complaining you read above isn't complaining about being a Mommy, its complaining about running that marathon. If I had more time to run that marathon, I think I would be less cup half empty kinda gal.
If I had laundry done, clean house, homework done, caught up at work, clean car, clean kids..would I be cup half full kinda gal...I wonder. But not sure if I will ever know. I think this is my way of saying, "Husband, can I bet a stay at home Mom?" I have baseboards to clean, baby items to sell on craigslist, light bulbs to change, fireplaces to clean, garages to clean, painting to get done, pictures to print/frame/hang.
Ok...see this is why I haven't blogged in a while. I am so negative. Nothing cute to say. All complaining. It must be hump day. is..Wednesday. I bet Friday you will get a cute post out of me. Stay tuned!
Look who likes to stack his snacks! He also likes to help me clean. He is a keeper. |
Saturday, October 9, 2010
That time of the year
You may see the title of this blog and think to yourself...she must like fall, pumpkins nice weather.
Nope....that's not where I was going with this. It's that time of the year for snot. yes....I said it...and I am sure most of you Moms think it. The 6 month runny nose extravaganza. The type of runny nose that keeps you on your toes. You hear a sneeze and jump up. You can be on the toilet, driving the car, eating dinner and jump to catch the snot that just projected out of your kid's nose. Aidan is a clean snot kid. He will freak out if he feels any sort of substance oozing out of his nose. He stands there, freezes up and screams for tissue. Mason on the other hand will rub his hand all over his nose which spreads it to his face, hair, mommy's shirt, mommy's pant leg and all over the car seat. This will happen for 6 months..and I am not exaggerating. We may get a few breaks here and there. We will get used to it. We end up one of those parents who walks around the store with a snotty nosed kid and it not even bother us. Other parents may look at our child and us in disgust. But month 3 we lose to the battle to the snot rocket. The snot rocket wins by January. And for your viewing pleasure I have a nice picture as proof.
Enjoy your weekend! Go Hokies!!!!
Nope....that's not where I was going with this. It's that time of the year for snot. yes....I said it...and I am sure most of you Moms think it. The 6 month runny nose extravaganza. The type of runny nose that keeps you on your toes. You hear a sneeze and jump up. You can be on the toilet, driving the car, eating dinner and jump to catch the snot that just projected out of your kid's nose. Aidan is a clean snot kid. He will freak out if he feels any sort of substance oozing out of his nose. He stands there, freezes up and screams for tissue. Mason on the other hand will rub his hand all over his nose which spreads it to his face, hair, mommy's shirt, mommy's pant leg and all over the car seat. This will happen for 6 months..and I am not exaggerating. We may get a few breaks here and there. We will get used to it. We end up one of those parents who walks around the store with a snotty nosed kid and it not even bother us. Other parents may look at our child and us in disgust. But month 3 we lose to the battle to the snot rocket. The snot rocket wins by January. And for your viewing pleasure I have a nice picture as proof.
Enjoy your weekend! Go Hokies!!!!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Surviving it
Surviving it! That is how I feel this week. Have worked 28 hours in 3 days. Been home just in time to kiss Mason to sleep, eat like three bites and squeeze in some Glee. Have a ton of homework to do before Sunday but no time. Have not seen my husband much...we argue less that way. But...with the kitchen welcoming ants, the laundry in piles throughout the house and loads of dirty diapers scattered I just had to blog. Oh you think I am joking about Momma not having it together..see below:
BTW we have this new fish brought home by my step son after he went to the fair. I was not too happy about that. I felt bad for the fish and tried to talk Joe into sneaking it into petsmart and dumping it in one of their tanks. Joe has been feeding it bread (I mean this fish is LOADED with bread in his bowl....Joe takes feeding this damn fish thing you know, he will be too big for this bowl and we will have to put him in the bath tub).
I also have some spare time because I just put away the dinner Joe made (thanks Babe) and am heating up a pot pie that cant be heated in the microwave (taste yuck that way) it has to be in the oven. I are asking yourself why I didn't eat Joe's food that he cooked. Well you see I have this weird thing against chicken. It has to be clean. Clean in my eyes is boneless/skinless and I can't see it pre-cooked. Also...Buffalo Wild Wings is clean. So every time he cooks chicken I pick at it and usually don't eat it. I also don't like the hair on it. So gross.
So...I wanted to start a Momma tradition on here. I will every so often put my kids likes and dislikes cause ya know they change every day so I thought it would be cute especially for those who don't get to see my boys that often or have never met them.
I will start with the first born.
Aidan aka Amper Pamper
Current Likes:
Fresh Beat Band
his 4th bday
madden 11
string cheese
going to the dentist
going to MeMaws
his fast shoes
Nick Jr online
orange juice
who dat!
baby Mason
Current Dislikes:
easy grapes (not hard)
bed time
gurls bathroom
slow shoes
imaginary big cat
his piggy bank
sleeping in his room
messy tooth paste
baby Mason
Second born Mason aka Mase of Base
Current Likes:
ice cream
Mrs. Jenny
Current Dislikes:
diaper changes
getting dressed
car rides
did I mention sharing
Now I want to take the time to thank my husband for being Mr. Mom this week. Love you Babe!
BTW we have this new fish brought home by my step son after he went to the fair. I was not too happy about that. I felt bad for the fish and tried to talk Joe into sneaking it into petsmart and dumping it in one of their tanks. Joe has been feeding it bread (I mean this fish is LOADED with bread in his bowl....Joe takes feeding this damn fish thing you know, he will be too big for this bowl and we will have to put him in the bath tub).
I also have some spare time because I just put away the dinner Joe made (thanks Babe) and am heating up a pot pie that cant be heated in the microwave (taste yuck that way) it has to be in the oven. I are asking yourself why I didn't eat Joe's food that he cooked. Well you see I have this weird thing against chicken. It has to be clean. Clean in my eyes is boneless/skinless and I can't see it pre-cooked. Also...Buffalo Wild Wings is clean. So every time he cooks chicken I pick at it and usually don't eat it. I also don't like the hair on it. So gross.
So...I wanted to start a Momma tradition on here. I will every so often put my kids likes and dislikes cause ya know they change every day so I thought it would be cute especially for those who don't get to see my boys that often or have never met them.
I will start with the first born.
Aidan aka Amper Pamper
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Face says it all...Aidan about 8 months old |
Current Likes:
Fresh Beat Band
his 4th bday
madden 11
string cheese
going to the dentist
going to MeMaws
his fast shoes
Nick Jr online
orange juice
who dat!
baby Mason
Current Dislikes:
easy grapes (not hard)
bed time
gurls bathroom
slow shoes
imaginary big cat
his piggy bank
sleeping in his room
messy tooth paste
baby Mason
Second born Mason aka Mase of Base
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Happy Boy about 6 months here |
Current Likes:
ice cream
Mrs. Jenny
Current Dislikes:
diaper changes
getting dressed
car rides
did I mention sharing
Now I want to take the time to thank my husband for being Mr. Mom this week. Love you Babe!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Is it worth it?
So a weekend planned. Dropping the kids off at grandmas Saturday morning on the way to Busch Gardens to enjoy some adult time with friends and come back Sunday night in time for the 4pm football games. Sounds like an fun relaxing weekend without kids. Or so you think.
Friday night was spent packing. Joe's comment every single time I am packing by myself, "we are only gone for one night, how hard can it be?" Well Mr. will never know because I don't trust you to pack the kids. I can however give you a taste: porta crib, stroller, blankets, pillows, extra blankets because boys like to squirt out their diapers in the middle of the night, soap and shampoo and lotion because if Aidan uses anything other than what we have he will have a major rash all over his body, allergy meds, tooth brush, tooth paste, clothes for warm weather, clothes for cold weather, bottles, baby juice, 2 pacis, formula, baby snacks, Aidan's dvd player with movies, shoes, socks, pjs and that is just a small list. There is more. But is just one night so it should be easy.
Saturday mornings before road trips should never start like this, "uh oh, damn, crap (those are pg words used the morning of) the alarm didn't go off, we are late". Me, "Joe, did you set the alarm for weekdays only? Because today is Saturday?". So our target time to leave 7am, we did not leave until 9:45am. I was tempted to lie to my friend and say we have been on the road for hours. I hate being that person who is always late..but oh well. She knew that about me when she invited me on this trip :)
The two hours on the way to grandmas sounded something like this. "I want fries" "Aidan they don't sell fries for breakfast" "WAAAAAAAAAA" "You are driving fast, you will only save like 3 minutes by speeding" "No, if you don't speed it adds on a few minutes so that 3 minutes is actually like 6 minutes" "WAAAAAAA" "Baby no Baby no" "Aidan leave baby alone" "Baby no" "Where is the pacifier, where is the bottle, give him a snack, give him food" "I cant stand this station" "I want to listen to Daddy song" "Aidan I don't want to listen to Daddy song" "WAAAAAAAAAA"
Then dropping off kids to Grandma was a full out mission. Two cars seats out..two car seats in..bags out bags in. Mason didn't long as you fed him grapes. Sorry about the diapers changes Grandma. Aidan however went crazy crying. To the point where he could not breathe. He was so upset I left him but later was upset when I picked him up. You cant win with that child. He woke up on Monday morning after peeing his bed (Mason as well peed all over his bed the same night) asking for Grandma and Missy (new kitten). He loved it I was happy.
Busch Gardens was awesome. Except for the annoying teenagers. Seriously was not like that at that age, was it? They are so annoying. I found myself repeating the words, "I am a mother, I am an adult do not yell at this little teenage kids who are cutting in line, loud wearing pants too tight hugging and kissing all over their 13 year old boyfriends."
Pictures sum up our trip: fyi..that bud light lime was so darn good!
Katie and Lee lead the way!
At night is when all the spooky stuff happened. It's like you know you are about to be scared by some man dressed up with a crazy mask..but you still jump and scream anyway! It was awesome!
Our ride home was slightly more entertaining. With Sirius radio we were able to listen to all games. Joe spent the entire time driving, while texting, while fantasy football searching, while cursing and yelling at the saints game. It was not fun for me. I got to listen to half the skins game after we picked the kids It was not fair for me in that I heard this the entire time, "Mommy, turn it, turn it".
All in all great weekend..always is when I get some quiet adult time. Can't wait to do it again!
Friday night was spent packing. Joe's comment every single time I am packing by myself, "we are only gone for one night, how hard can it be?" Well Mr. will never know because I don't trust you to pack the kids. I can however give you a taste: porta crib, stroller, blankets, pillows, extra blankets because boys like to squirt out their diapers in the middle of the night, soap and shampoo and lotion because if Aidan uses anything other than what we have he will have a major rash all over his body, allergy meds, tooth brush, tooth paste, clothes for warm weather, clothes for cold weather, bottles, baby juice, 2 pacis, formula, baby snacks, Aidan's dvd player with movies, shoes, socks, pjs and that is just a small list. There is more. But is just one night so it should be easy.
Saturday mornings before road trips should never start like this, "uh oh, damn, crap (those are pg words used the morning of) the alarm didn't go off, we are late". Me, "Joe, did you set the alarm for weekdays only? Because today is Saturday?". So our target time to leave 7am, we did not leave until 9:45am. I was tempted to lie to my friend and say we have been on the road for hours. I hate being that person who is always late..but oh well. She knew that about me when she invited me on this trip :)
The two hours on the way to grandmas sounded something like this. "I want fries" "Aidan they don't sell fries for breakfast" "WAAAAAAAAAA" "You are driving fast, you will only save like 3 minutes by speeding" "No, if you don't speed it adds on a few minutes so that 3 minutes is actually like 6 minutes" "WAAAAAAA" "Baby no Baby no" "Aidan leave baby alone" "Baby no" "Where is the pacifier, where is the bottle, give him a snack, give him food" "I cant stand this station" "I want to listen to Daddy song" "Aidan I don't want to listen to Daddy song" "WAAAAAAAAAA"
Then dropping off kids to Grandma was a full out mission. Two cars seats out..two car seats in..bags out bags in. Mason didn't long as you fed him grapes. Sorry about the diapers changes Grandma. Aidan however went crazy crying. To the point where he could not breathe. He was so upset I left him but later was upset when I picked him up. You cant win with that child. He woke up on Monday morning after peeing his bed (Mason as well peed all over his bed the same night) asking for Grandma and Missy (new kitten). He loved it I was happy.
Busch Gardens was awesome. Except for the annoying teenagers. Seriously was not like that at that age, was it? They are so annoying. I found myself repeating the words, "I am a mother, I am an adult do not yell at this little teenage kids who are cutting in line, loud wearing pants too tight hugging and kissing all over their 13 year old boyfriends."
Pictures sum up our trip: fyi..that bud light lime was so darn good!
$28 meal...geesh...don't want to see how much we spent on this trip. |
Our ride home was slightly more entertaining. With Sirius radio we were able to listen to all games. Joe spent the entire time driving, while texting, while fantasy football searching, while cursing and yelling at the saints game. It was not fun for me. I got to listen to half the skins game after we picked the kids It was not fair for me in that I heard this the entire time, "Mommy, turn it, turn it".
All in all great weekend..always is when I get some quiet adult time. Can't wait to do it again!
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