I am always rushing, unorganized, stressed...not living in the moment and I hate it. This morning I went downstairs rushing to get to Zips in time to drop off by 9 pick up by 5. BTW...didn't make it by 9. I forgot to blow dry my hair. Run back upstairs blow dry my hair run back downstairs. Forgot my shoes. Run back upstairs get my shoes run back down get in the car..get Aidan's grumpy morning butt in his seat and can't find my credit card. I have to concentrate to figure out where it is..but all I hear is Aidan "Mommy I want pop tart, Mommy open my yogurt, Mommy are you picking me up from school, Mommy I don't want to go to school, Mommy is Baby going to school, Mommy..Mommy" Finally remember where I had my credit card last. Run back inside...dig through dirty laundry to the last pants I wore and grab my card. Drive down the road...hit 270..realize I don't have my gym bag. WHY??? I try so hard to stay on top of things and plan....but I always feel so behind. I hate that feeling. Because that feeling trickles to my kids...in my attitude toward them. I am frustrated..so I snap at them. Then I realize I am snapping at them and it's not their fault so then I settle down listen to what they are asking and engage in a conversation with them.
Me: "Aidan, why are you crying so much, Mommy doesn't like it when you cry"
Aidan: "Well Mommy, you make me cry"
Ok...I don't "make" him cry. This morning we left zips and we were walking down steps. I wanted him to jumb but he was scared so I grabbed him and pretended to jumb and said weeee...well Mr. Aidan was not happy he didn't have the courage to jump so we went back over and I placed him on the TOP step and had him jump in my arms. He was happy...UNTIL...we mad it to the curb. I tried to get him to jump and he stood there with that grumpy look on his face. So I grabbed him and said weeee..and picked him up. Well...he was upset with himself that he didn't get the 'jump' off the curb and started to cry in the car. Now...I guess I did make him cry because I didn't go back to the curb and sit there waiting for him to "jump" while cars are driving by and it is cold and I am like an hour late for work.
Aidan and Mason have been playing a lot lately. I hear this coming from Aidan througout the day: "Baby what do you want? Baby what do you want?...come here Baby"
Aidan crying about who knows what..and Mason Man hugging him. |
Aidan "posing" for the picture..????? |
These pictures came from my new HTC EVO SHIFT phone. I LOVE MY NEW PHONE. Fantastic I tell you. However...worried at my next bill. Aidan has been downloading every game he can get his finger a hold of. From tossing trash in a trash can to smashing ants. My phone is loaded with useless game to entertain a 4 year old for hours. What ever happened to that $150 Nintendo DS he begged for????? IPhone..Pods...IPads and anything that resembles one is the "new" toy for 4 year old. Lucky kids.
Funniest quirk about Mr. Mason Man. He is such a little adventure boy. Always..always...always on the go. He gets into everything. He will pull chairs up to the pantry and search for fruit roll ups. He will tumble down stairs, get up..rub his head and keep on going. He will run out in the street. He will throw plates and watch them break. He is my dare devil. However......Mr. Mason is afraid of none other than the swing at the playground. Strangest thing in the world. He will grunt and stop breathing if I put him in...then cling to my hip for dear life if I go near one. So strange. the kid is frealess....except for the swing. The other day he ate something that didn't settle with his tummy...threw up all over his crib..stood up and said "uh oh". One time..pulled a hot plate down and hot gumbo got on his face..instead of freaking out crying he goes "hotttttttt.....hottttttttttt". He will go head first off the couch on wood floors and stand up with a bloody nose and just kinda wine a little. Tuff Tuff kid. Just don't get him near the swing.
I love watching this kid eat. He is so darn cute.
Worked from home the other day with this little guy. I felt horrible that the TV ended up being his babysitter. This is what I walked into when I checked on him.
Aidan in his Tball uniform. Other day at practice he cried and wanted to go home becaue he was cold...while Mason ran around try to put the ball on the T and hit with a bat. My boys are so opposite!
Started getting Mason interested in the potty....he sits down gets up..takes the potty out and tries to sit down...he is now trying to use the potty with the missing center...oh my!
Spring cleaning..ants in the house...Introduced Aidan to the vaccuum. Smartest thing I could have ever done!
Wrapping up my last few weeks of school...FOREVER! Soon to be Masters in Accounting and Financial Management. what what..whoot whoot.....Party at my house when it is all said and done. So...warning you I will be overly bloggy when I am done with school so watch out and get your reading eyes ready!
Note...spell check was not working today. Remember I said I was an Accounting major...NOT ENGLISH folks.